Girlfriend is leaving me, easiest/fastest/ least painful ways to an hero?

Girlfriend is leaving me, easiest/fastest/ least painful ways to an hero?

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Stop being a pussy, you'll find another.

Women who leave men often make a huge mistake. It later turns out it's good she left him.

>Killing yourself over a dumb bitch


OP here, short and hairline disappearing at ripe age of 21. Fuck man I don't like me. I don't want anyone else, man.

Going bald isn't bad, nor is losing a woman.

Again dude, you'll find another. Women have a bad tendency of kicking themselves out of good things.

Relax. Losing a woman isn't everything. It hurts like fuck when you lose one later on in life because you feel like times running out. But trust me, It'll hurt less and you'll find someone else. Recently stumbled on some pictures of my last all the way back when we were teens and that shit almost made me go back to alcohol. Just let the wound heal and you'll feel better before you know it.

OD on heroin, go to sleep op

why? Over some dumb bitch? You need to give it time like the previous user said. In due time you will be better and find yourself a hotter, nicer, hornier gf (or whatever metric you find important).

take up smoking cigarettes

Here is the ultimate breakup soundtrack. Listen to them in order

good list brah

I dont want someone else, I Other women have put me off because of the way they act. Ironic, i guess.

Start your journey in the house of gains and stop being a soft little faggot. Lift a fuck load of weights and look alpha AF when you see her in public.

OP: I just want her though. I want us to be like we were. I don't want anyone else either. I don't have enough self worth to live for myself.

honestly, this feeling will wear off, just hang in there

Honestly I don't think I could off myself anyway, not in a conspicuous way. Too many people know me

I'd recommend suicide by old age, surrounded by your friends and family.

But seriously, if the worst thing you have in life is losing a girlfriend, you'll be fine.

>crying about women
>not knowing what irony is
Maybe you should kill yourself

op: I have thoughts of just running a light and getting t-boned, or "falling" into machinery at work

You may want her, OP, but you have to find something to distract yourself. It will get easier. Go take a BJJ class and learn to strangle fucks or lift weights. Anything you can do to put the blinders on; fuck that suicide noise.

oneitis. cure is to bang 10 women.

Jump off a tall building. You won't feel the impact.


I'm in the same exact situation right now, man. Four years, started dating when I was 17, feels like I can't think of anything in my past, all too related to her. It hurts, a fucking shit ton, been crying myself to sleep recently. But you've gotta just pull through. Either you're going to be miserable and wallow in it alone, or you're going to be miserable and work your ass off during it. Work towards your future, do what will help you be more happy a month from now. Make a habit of doing certain things every day that are good for you, don't let yourself sit still and grieve too much.

I'm right there with you bro, you'll get through it

crying for an ex gf is beta af

If you've ever been in a long term relationship in which you felt love, you would understand why crying happens at the end

Wow. You are a faggot who deserves to be alone.

i've been there and i'm telling you, that's beta af. once you start talking to more woman you'll find another one that will make you feel exactly the same you did and you'll be happy. but that's beta too, i realized being in a relationship is beta after having these experiences

good luck anyway, don't kys

If you think being in a relationship is beta, that's a different story. Enjoying being with someone isn't beta, it's human. Some people thoroughly enjoy the intimacy, gives feelings of love. What's there to not understand about it?

Start smoking fuck loads of weed

Being this much of a faggot that you think about killing yourself over a woman, let it pass OP and things will get better

TLDR; stop being so fucking stupid

>What's there to not understand about it?
i do but you are a faggot. there are so many good things in life to do and right now you are lost in depression for some bitch

Do you have a car?
That's what he really needs.
Hate is what it takes to recover fast.

Trust me OP, it's better this way, this is a good step forward in your life. This will make you stronger than ever.

fuck her, find another slut to bang. women are only good for their pussy

Find a high place and throw her off. Then assess the situation, repeat with yourself as needed