New loli thread, last one hit image cap

new loli thread, last one hit image cap

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discord sduXEAY














Need this

Ok, I summon the sauce gods


Dollguy, are you here? Can you start a thread?


Does anyone have the picture of the loli that had an I [heart] canada shirt, then when she put on a jacket unzipped, the jacket covered up some letters making it look like the shirt said I [heart] anal?

why? i don't have many new pics to post. i don't have work today but i have things i should be doing


Nevermind then. What was your favorite part of iZombie? When will you not be busy?



iZombie? I've seen that. Surprisingly good. I want to fuck that zombie girl's face


i don't know, i like Liv and the concept is kind of interesting

oh, and i should have time later today, not sure when

Are you caught up with it? Did you see the season 3 finale that aired a few days ago? It was amazing. Season 3 hits Netflix on either July 1st or July 5th

By the way, don't spoil anything. Dollguy is watching it.

I haven't finished season 1, yet. I think i'm going to binge it tonight.

Season 1 finale sneak peek



I know this is fuchur's (obviously), but are there any others similar to this?

That tells me almost nothing, which is good.



Japan is fucking weird


3d shit always looks too much like a real kid to be arousing imo

Bless you user.
Who's the artist btw?

Yeah, I agree.


What is your ideal age range of a loli? When is it too old or too young?

>those fucking googly eyes


What episode are you on?

Wow, I'm only on episode 7. I thought i'd seen more than that.

Have you started 7 or finished 7?




I haven't seen S1 in a while. What's going on with Major?

Don't answer that. Spoilers for Dollguy

Shit, I can't really remember, it has been a good month or two since I watched it.

Last I remember he just moved in with Liv's doctor friend

What were your expectations when you started the show? What/who made you start it? When did you start to like it?

Any more similar webms?

y tho

I honestly thought it would be a fairly generic teen drama about a good looking zombie girl. I started liking it half way through the first episode.

I mainly like how different it is. It isn't your everyday crime show.

Why did you start? Do you like generic teen dramas?


Don't remember this episode of Dr Slump

I was bored, tbh. I was flicking through the 'netflix originals' pretty disappointed, I wanted to check this one out to see if it was disappointing. I was pleasantly surprised

source names or anything else pls






cream lemon


Damn, I need this

What caught your eye? The thumbnail? The name?

I want to spread a four year old tyke open like that and gobble her lil cunt all day as she giggles and drools on herself. Mmmmmmm.

Both really







This horrible webms gets posted in every thread. Fuck off.


I promise it will be pleasurable for her.

i promise you it won't