I've just killed a kitten. I strangled it. I can still feel the adreanline rushing in my veins...

I've just killed a kitten. I strangled it. I can still feel the adreanline rushing in my veins. The human inside me also died with that kitten. I have freed myself from the human mind's restrictions.

Ask me anything. Don't ask for pics, that'll get me in trouble.

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Nah you are still human, just incredibly stupid like people who believe in creationism and evolutionism

Edgy as she ni

Kill yourself next

I'm jerking off to Facebook photos of girls I used to go to high school with. Some how you're still a bigger loser than I am

what a wannabe edgy fegit
kys pussy

I'm not stupid. I did it to prove that there is no good or bad in this world. There's just strong and weak. The kitten was weak, I was strong. I won.

>Don't ask for pics, that'll get me in trouble
In other words you've done shit, you're just another edgy faggot on the internet.
More like EVILutionism, amiright.

I am not edgy. I am very calm and calculating person. I believe life is only suffering. Everyone has to suffer.