Just overdosed and I have around 30 minuets before I cannot be revived...

Just overdosed and I have around 30 minuets before I cannot be revived. What are some fun things I can do during that time?

How come you did that

My life sucks... I am not looking for judgement, just suggestions

I'm not judging. it's your life. but I would love to talk to you....

you should shit on a cop car

Just enough time to find meaning in your life and go to the hospital

Get a knife and just start stabbing motherfuckers- no little kids or puppers or kitters tho.

There this bitch who works at royal farms, an old nigegr lady- she just snaps at me every morning for no reason, like I'm not gon be working hard- harder than her.

Stab her.

stream death plz

Beep your own boopis


Call someone you love and tell them how you feel. Look at the sun one last time. Send me the rest of your financial assets.

find a way to die in the most embarassing way, like cut off your dick and put it in your mouth

Go out into a parking lot wear strong clothing so when the emts get there. They can pick up your corpse easily.

jack off until you die

Call your mother and tell her you love her. If not possible, call your pop or brother/sister/uncle/aunt/gran/gram/dog/whatever.

We all go out alone, but take the trip there together, even when we aren't physically together.

Or just call 911 because there's always a chance to start fresh, if you allow yourself the way out.chances are good you've got more than enough of a chance to try again somewhere fresh.

just start giving money to people

GTA a car and drive! Go!

That's considered.

or this

welp guess OP died?

I bet he's still alive and a liar.


Reduce post mortum embarrasment. Aswell as save peoples backs.

Seems OP only ever delivers when it involves offing themselves

Another casuality of the recent failed generations.