Omfg I'm so pissed off right now

omfg I'm so pissed off right now
I've been craving a fucking Slurpee since last night
So I'm driving to go see my GF and I see the 7-11 and
I go and I fill up my cup and the fucking bitch that works there tells me I have to take the hoodie off my head

I was like what ? huh ? then this fucking black dude tells me hey you have to take off your hodie

I was like, ya i heard what she said Why do I have to take off my hoodie ? Its fucking raining, and its fucking cold and the bitch tells me I have to take off my hoodie or she's not going to serve me a fucking slurpee

I said fuck you I'm not taking off my hoodie this is fucking america If I want to wear a hodie I'm going to wear a hoddie

Then the other asshole that works there said he's going to call the cops and he's not going to serve me I wanted to smash that little mother fucker
So I dumped my fucking Slurpee on the floor so those dumb mother fuckers can clean it up

Why ? why can't I just get a fucking Slurpee, why do these mother fuckers have to harrass me and tell me to take off my hoodie
how is that a rule how is that even legal ?

I'm going into another 7-11 right now and these mother fuckers better not tell me to take off my hoodie

its Bullshit!

so you dumped the fucking slurpee on the floor and left? just like that?

You spumd like a whiny bitch.
Also the staff have to follow a the rules of the store, it's not their fault. You sir are just an asshole.

why didn't you just take off your hoodie

hoddie *

Just leave with the slurpie.

He was kind of an ass. But they literally threatened to call the police because he was wearing a hoodie. That's way the fuck beyond reasonable.

Stick penis and slurpee and make cashier whore sip it slowly.

You are an asshole, but I agree, why are they telling you to take of the hoddie, and why are the muslims are allowed to dress up as ninjas while actual people can't?

Sounds to me like your fucking girlfriend is to blame.

I bet that slut is even cheating on you..

if you find out she is, dont forgive her, you should just beat her ass