So this cunt just sent a dick pic to my sister

So this cunt just sent a dick pic to my sister.

He's 30... She's 15.

Sister deleted and denies.

He goes by JoeyBLS Photography or Joey BLS.

My sister is a real bitch, but this fucking guys isn't helping.

What can I do?

Other urls found in this thread:

report to thw police

She'll defend him. He too photos at her HS. I already told my parents and they don't believe me but I saw this guys fuckin dick on her phone.

if you get proof, it doesnt matter if she defends him

Yeah, but not much of a chance now that I caught her. She'll hide her phone from me. Nice dubs.

give me the number and i will be bait and stuff

They're dating apparently. But it's all in fucking secret. If I had his number I'd post it everywhere.

Send your dick back to him

I found his facebook. or at least one of his facebook pages.

fb /joeybls

If your a man worth a damn you teach him a fucking lesson.

Remember, a putter puts more force behind a smaller surface area.

With a baseball bat, aim for the knees.

I don't know much about him other than what I've seen on facebook. I want to fucking ruin him but he's a weasel. He'll get me in trouble if I do anything.

Fuck he's older than 30 and looks like he's getting married.


Feels bad, people like him need to be put down. I'd say you should just cover your face and do what Said.

>What can I do?

Tell your sister to stop being such a whore.

Jesus, the faggotry here is nearly unbearable.

I know she's a fucking whore, but it doesn't help to have 30 year old pervs trying to fuck her.

>I know she's a fucking whore,

Prove it. Lets see a photo. Cuz this is obviously bait.

May B. but sounds like op just wanted to tell some1.

Leave the poor guy alone.

Meh, he's a purv.