How will white people be remembered?

how will white people be remembered?

they won't be
future herstory will be "we wuz" and whites will be like the roman empire, only liked even less

How will white people be remembered?

will how white people be remembered?

How will whites be remembered?

You mean how will Slavs remember Germanics and Anglos after they wipe out cucked western Europe?

The Race War of 2020

Is this how whites will be remembered?


How will whitey be remembered?

too good for our own good


How will white people be remembered?


Atleast he's soaking up some black nut and not fertile white women

How will white people be remembered?


I love it when I see a fellow Meme Magician casting spells.


This is how whites will be remembered


how will whitey be remembered?

Is that milo?

How will whites be recalled?


How will white people be remembered?



How will whites be remembered?

Nobody remembers you cucks


As cucks, OP. As cucks.

How will whitey be remembered?

As people who like to travel to new lands so they can fuck and fuck up the natives both physically and mentally.

>Non whites don't engage in degeneracy
Whatever you say, kike


All of them are in racially homogenous areas

how will white pepo be remembered?

how will white peoples be remembered?



is this how whitey will be remembered?

As a conquered race, like the Neanderthals

how will white people be remembered?



How will whitey be remembered?

Just like in Africa, with regret ...

Even at our worst we've never treated others as badly as Jews and chinks are going to.

Sorry Linguini

How will white people be remembered?


Time to dye my skin black.

"Where whitey at, I can't get no electricity"

"Where whitey at, I can't get no cable"

"Where whitey at, these roads hurtin muh feet"

"Where whitey at, my welfare aint here yet"

"Where whitey at, these buildings be fallin down"

"Where whitey at, I'm starvin"

>OP makes a thread which is supposed to make white people go full retard rage tier and become racially aware.

>Newfags don't realize that OP agrees with them.

how will people of no color be remembered?

What a fucking cuck. I want to murder his family when the Day of the Rope comes.

I heard people got *really* upset about that Confederate flag as well


how will white peple be remembered?

how WILL white people be remembered??

Since shitskins will be rewriting history, the whites will be remembered as the demons of the north. The loser never gets his story told.

How will whites be remembered?

“If the day should ever come when we must go, if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction..”

How will whitey be remembered?

As psychopaths who would cry out as they struck you.

How will white people be remembered?

And then this guy has one of those moments where he realizes that he's not in the company of like minded people.

in 100 years we will be saying WE WUZ

feels fuckin bad because itll actually be true

>25 posts

Take a breather kid.

how will whiteys be remembered?

Obedient fucktoys

One day someone will look back on us and repost this thread and the first response will be...

Sup Forums is always right

The second response will be...


how will whites be remembered?

Please tell me that's a girl. My dick twitched desu.

Not sure how to break it to you user, but that's a man.

how will whitey be recalled?

Why is she so fucking hot I want to choke her and slap her and fuck her so passionately

With deep longing because whitey no longer comes to fix things and everything falls apart.

blacks even cucking gay whites...

How will white people be remembered?

Look more closely. Those are mixed kids, and daddy is not white.

She's not. You have a problem, Justin.

Most of the things didn't trigger me, because those "white people" looked like Jews or similar mongrels anyways.

But this picture, man.

how will white pepo be remembered?

China will remember why we lost and learn from our mistakes.

Probably as some elder race of legend, the ruble of their once great cities spread throughout the world. God like figures who could transmute materials, cure the sick, fly through the air, kill with a crack of thunder but were ultimately outnumbered and slain for their oppression. It will vary from tribe to tribe as history passed down orally often does.

Are you one of those people who counts Asians as white or something?

how will white people be remembered?


pretty much this desu senpai. you can see the "we wuz" slowly creeping into academia. the establishment of an openly anti-white government will be perfectly time with the way history will be rewritten.

how will whites be remembered?

>LOLOLOL "There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning. "