So.... Did anyone ever explore the deep web?
I'm a little curious
So.... Did anyone ever explore the deep web?
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I know its not safe, but i'm bored
you're also a cuck
Fucking summer fag. I've been on for a while now AMA
and no, I haven't seen anything livestreamed, but I have seen some pretty fucked up gore shit.
Right now i'm like looking up how to access it, its mostly just drugs porn and human trafficking, anything i should avoid?
I mean, everyone enjoys gore from time to time, but i don't like want to see someone being raped and murdered. That shit makes my stomach crawl
It's a great place to shop for finger boxes.
Thats fucking gross... BTW can i make money on the deep web?
I haven't seen a lot of human traficking. And If it looks like cp, it is, if it looks like gore, it is. nothing's hidden.