hello Sup Forums dubs tells me what to do I will do it guaranteed
Hello Sup Forums dubs tells me what to do I will do it guaranteed
show dick
go to bed
hit the hay
eat a poop
Leave Sup Forums forever
Tits or gtfo
gg, good night OP
get out of here (if pic is you) you're a cute little girl and you don't deserve to get your life fucked up by a bunch of idiots like us...
>hello Sup Forums dubs tells me what to do I won't do it guaranteed
Lol, dude c'mon
Invest your life savings in ChanCoin
Hold your hands behind your back, and run full speed face first into the wall.
/music plays
I didn't expect to get dubs. Well see you guys on the flip side after that party van comes.
Do a backflip.
post pics in a leather jacket
no dude... this sucks... I don't wanna fuck a little girl's life by making her post her tits on Sup Forums or some shit like that... and we already have a WinRAR for that
post full nudes
ITT: OP leaves after creating the thread
I dunno about the rest of you guys, but I'm rolling for this one.
Hopefully she doesn't post. I wasn't expecting dubs at all. I thpught hurdur Sup Forums joke I won't get dubs.
Brush your teeth.
Purposely contract an std
I thought that when I told OP to go to sleep, I guess they actually did it
ye well you got them... there is really crazy people on this board, don't make jokes that can fuck up people's life, specially a little girl's....
Its too late, the venga bus is coming
thank you for that user!
Praise this user cause he got buds before tits or gtfo
Well I don't usually get dubs so I thought why not. Well RNJesus fucking hates me and wants to give me dubs at the worst times.
I figured. See you on the flip side.
Geez I'm fucking dyslexic.
Waiting for op to deliver
strip and post nudes or kik them to me
Don't do this. It's fucking terrible. Your mom would kick your ass if she found out and your family won't look at you the same. Just ignore it. Its a shitty joke.
hey you got dubs again! I got froths a while ago, best of all is that it was in a trap thread in the first (partially)naked pic I upload to this site. (ye, no one asked but I wanted to share it cause I'm proud of it xd)
I've already alerted the authorities on you
>Think that op is a real blonde cute loli
really Sup Forums?
Not really but can't be too safe.
wait, no, that face is actually ltcobris, right? hahahaha
Nice spam
thank you for making this the safe space it was always destined to be