
Hey Deutschbros, are you voting for Petry? Do you think she is cute?

Yes, yes


I think shes pretty cute. She's has a degree in chemistry I believe so she's smart as well.

If I was a German I'd definitely vote for her.

Speaking of which, are you voting for Hofer?


Yes my friend.


Yes and yes

too bad the hat faggots ruined Petryposting

Glad to hear it. It is great to see him doing well after many people said he didn't have much chance of winning. Godspeed Austria-bro.

short hair grills are best grills

i like how the arrow looks like an erected phallus

Van der Cuck still has a little surge but alot of people just fucking hate the Green party, problem is, FPÖ is really hated aswell. I predict a close call for Hofer and a very tough race.

The only important question has yet to be raised..

Will she remove kebab?

She is literally the kebabremoveress

Life mein Freund

Does she have nudes?

she's so cute

No, she will not remove kebab. Sorry to disappoint you guys. All you will get with AfD is less illegals and less islamification. But the AfD have no policies to remove roaches or sandniggers from Krautland.

She is a cutie

I think while she is sleeping, I would insert one end of a rubber-pipe into her pooper and the other end into mine, I would then pass gas into into the pipe transferring my farts into her and carefully remove the pipe.

In the morning she's would pass gas, my gas, and she would never know.

she's qt, she'd look better with long hair


>german flag
You try way to hard to appease teenagers on Sup Forums

Yes I wish I was german to vote for he cute nationalist woman like her

I'm just glad you're not American

shes my politfu

Is this what Island genetics does to a person?

I laughed at the presidential polls because it had Van Gellen (I think that is his name) was tied with Hofer, are the polls fucking with us?

just be glad there are natural borders

>tfw Trump will never be as cute


Probably, just look at the natives and animals that dwell in Australia.

His name is Van der Beller, so almost correct. And you are not mistaken, they were both tied in the last polls, but it could be a stunt pulled off by the goverment so people dont flip the fuck out and vote more for Van der Cuck.

He was supposed to come 2nd with 20-24% and got 36%. 2nd place van der Bellen got 25%.

wtf have you been following the pre-election at all?

Well last time i saw a poll that said 50/50 tied, that was after the first election though.

What's with German women and short hair?

she's trying to look "smart"

That's the "professional" look for women all around the world the fck your on about?

You don't like tomboys?

>voting for a female chemist

Hmm how that turned out fir Germany the last time?

Even the German women I see that are here for school have a much higher chance of having short hair than anyone else.
Not complaining, it makes me harder than diamonds. Just curious.

Really? Never noticed something like this here. Maybe just a coincidence

Does Germany have elections? Sorry they don't emphasize it here in the U.S. I was just wondering when Merkel would GTFO.

Where does a white male go to get a red-pilled wife?

I have made the mistake of having a relationship with people who are literally the political opposite of me too many times.

In other words, opposites attract is a terrible meme.

In case you are referring to Merkel, she is in fact a physicist.

Fall 2017

Question Germanbros. How do you elect your Chancellor?

Yeah but they vote for the president, but is nothing like our presidents is just a guy who gets paid for doing nothing, and they also vote for the parliament, then the parliament votes for the chancellor

You dont 'get' a red-pilled wife, you make one. Women will always reflext your own political ideology, if they love you dearly.

Lies, Spanish Wikipedia says that she is a chemist

To the bedroom redpilling her with his dick. The fuck kinda question is that? They hang out in the ame spots as normal girls. Maybe easier with a conservative church girl

It suits her faggot

>Redpilling her with this dick

Kind of worked temporarily, good sex can make a woman say anything but it's never true in the end.


>Spanish Wikipedia


Are you retarded? Are you looking for a Stacie reading anti-holocause literature in her free time? Find a girl that listens to reason and then feed her facts

I don't want to take all the blame off myself, but

>girl that listens to reason

Is hard to find in the United Cucks.

I really should start going to church again.

Fucking Anglos are an Abomination o mankind and must be purged from this earth.

We supported the wrong people in WWII sadly.

Absolutely. Victory or death, for Europa.

> No, she will not remove kebab.
True, that's Höcke's job. :^)

>Van der Cuck still has a little surge

Just like Hofer only had 20% according to those polls? :^)

>But the AfD have no policies to remove roaches or sandniggers from Krautland.


This gives me an erection.

She's cute but something about her doesn't look quite human to me. She looks elvish and you know what they say about elves.

between this and the new mayor of London, I think we can safely obliterate the British isles in nuclear flames