Women complain mean are violent beasts and that masculinity is toxic and advocate for castration and the general taming of men. And they only fuck only 1% of the male population and expect the others to wait their turn.
Men decide to turn their backs on this bullshit and women turn around and complain that we aren't 'man enough', masculine enough for them. Or that there aren't any real men left in the world.
Women are straight up illogical whinny little cunts that need to be raped into submission.
>Women are straight up illogical whinny little cunts that need to be raped into submission.
This. Bump for based OP.
Owen Anderson
/r9k/ is down the hall and to the left, cucks
Colton Taylor
>Women complain mean are violent beasts and that masculinity is toxic
here's the secret you virgin losers:
women prefer violent, masculine beasts
Elijah Carter
Hello JIDF long time no see
Liam Davis
>2016 >not getting laid
Gavin Sullivan
there's a differance between being manly and being an asshole tbqh most women go through a rebelious phase, but eventually they all settle down
Brandon Turner
You will be a lot happier when you stop paying serious attention to women. They're like children.
Blake Nelson
fuck off, shill
the only cucks are men who consider themselves equals to women.
women need strong direction and firm control, or else you WILL get cucked
Camden Gray
>>>/r9l/ Get a gym membership, finish your degree, get a job, learn a martial art, stop being a sad sack that never improves himself, and fishes on the internet for rationalizations for never doing anything about his situation.