Found a credit card today was thinking of using it to purchase stuff but not sure how to have stuff shipped to my house without getting caught any ideas?
Found a credit card today was thinking of using it to purchase stuff but not sure how to have stuff shipped to my house...
Request Auth to leave at an address you know is unoccupied, watch tracking and collect ASAP. Never use same address.
Claim negligence if you get caught. Pretty fuckin easy to go " wtf Is this I've never dreamt of having it"
order it to an abandoned house and ask them to leave the package around the back and then pay a courier to pick up the package from the abandoned house and deliver it to you
Have fun not getting fucked. If I were you I'd think about this twice.
>buy amazon gift cards on the line
>load them onto your account
Yeah, right. Fucking niggers
Can still be traced, they can see who the gift cards were sent to.
Only a white autists would be so oblivious to ask a question like op's, definitely a cracker
maybe op can sell the number?
You can buy gift cards online with fraud credit cards (I've done in multiple times). use a proxy just in case