Woule you vote for Trump in 2020? Why or why not?

Woule you vote for Trump in 2020? Why or why not?

No. Didn't vote for him or the murderous bitch.
They both were and still are horrible fucking choices.

How is Trump a horrible choice? The Russia story is a fucking hoax as cited by the very perpetrator of it, we avoided paying billions of dollars to a global initiative that does nothing to benefit America, and are in the process of simplifying our tax codes.

Cite political inexperience all you want, even this 'Trumpcare' that Trump didn't even come up with, but what makes him a horrible choice over a career politician of either party who is bought by corporate interests?

fucking hell yes
literally a suckerpunch to every sjw feminist antifa fag and whinny bitch out there fighting for communism or fighting against the USA
No better card could be dealt than one as such
Fuck the stupid who think with half a brain
I'd rather have a president who uses his rights to say what he likes than a pussy hiding behind the people who try to control his messages

Because retard repubs like you support him over his medieval beliefs

No, I'm voting for Kanye that year

*realistic beliefs
glad I could catch that for you

You mean you'd rather have a racist moron bigot on white house rathet than a civilized qualified candidate.

Just going to vote for harambe again

How are the interests of the Trump estate any different from general corporate interests? You really think he's ignoring the needs of those who could benefit him and his family?

Realistic? You definitely are a stupid trumptard.

>Making a two thousand mile concrete wall isn't realistic.
>Banning all muslims is not realistic.
>Deporting mexicans is not realistic.
>Banning aboftion is not realistic

I pity your foolishness

He's at least not a constant liar. He's keeping sand niggers out. That's enough for me to vote him

No. Putin will abolish US elections before 2018.

>Making a two thousand mile concrete wall isn't realistic.
Yes it is. Do you not understand the concept of modern construction?
>Banning all muslims is not realistic.
**a temporary ban on travel from 6 countries previously specified by the obama admin. as unstable terrorist hotbeds
>Deporting mexicans is not realistic.
***deportation illegal immigrants is literally just enforcing US law. And in case you haven't noticed, most illegals who were already in the US are still here. It's mainly criminal aliens he's focused on.
>Banning aboftion is not realistic
When did trump say he was going to ban abortion? What makes you think a nationwide abortion ban will happen? You just pulled that out of your ass

Of course.

>How is Trump a horrible choice?
Because he's a fucking incompetent, bigoted, barely literate moron and doing his utmost to ruin the USA?

He has himself said how much he hates being president.

get out russian whore.

I agree wall is unrealistic.
more boarder security is realistic

banning Muslims unrealistic
doing a travel ban on countries of known terrorist is a great idea and was done before.

deporting Mexicans is realistic all of them no

banning aboftion (abortion) is unrealistic
making people not have to pay for others peoples abortions is realistic.

would vote for the Donald.

To the same degree as Obama. The difference being that he stated his intentions in a way that he knew would cause controversy

The ban was a GOOD MOVE, seen the recent terror attacks on Europe? No? Ok.

Here in Sweden I live in constant fear that anything might happen at any time, EVERYWHERE you go there's a SHIT TON of immigrants, most of them are normal people yes, I've even befriended plenty. Thing is, most of them are dumb as fuck and a small fraction of them are terrorists.

BUT there's one thing that they all agree on and that is that the whole world should follow Sharia law, and if a large scale terror attack (almost war) on Sweden was to happen, a good amount of otherwise normal Muslims would turn to their side. This is something you can't have.

Also if you import 100 people from another area to another and even just 1 of them happen to be a terrorist, it wouldn't be worth it to save 99 people. Because 1 terrorist has a much larger effect than 99 normal people.
1 terrorist can kill 100, and even if 1 terrorist would just kill 5 people it still wouldn't have been worth importing the rest of the people from a war-stricken country since the 5 people who died were way more intellectually capable.

We should help them by ending the war they have instead of importing them, but it's bad for business so we won't. Getting free labor ciphers into your country is great for business.

But they don't believe in a middle. All or nothing.

Both sides are that way why should that make anything different.

I hope for sanity in 2020. Sanity I know will be in the 2024. Philly D. 2024. Reeeeee