I just lost my virginity to a prostitute behind a bush in the local park

i just lost my virginity to a prostitute behind a bush in the local park

i used a condom for doggystyle but not for a blowjob, honestly how bad did i fuck up ?

Depends on how much your mom charged you.

Was she a hottie tho???

she was 20 but a slag

nice arse though, she had a missing molar i guess from drugs

its funny because she was the one with condoms on her, did not expect a street whore to care much about protection

*20ish years old

Hahaha too early to tell. Get tested, OP. Just get it over with

i am worried i may get aids or hiv from unprotected blowjob

it was funny, i found it difficult to stay hard but her sucking did the trick

i didnt know how to put it in so she had to help with that when we did doggy. i managed to get it in and started thrusting and my dick came out and the condom fell off so she just sucked me off and i came in her mouth

she also tickled my balls and licked them and gave me a french kiss

to top it off, it was only £20

>gave me a french kiss

Jesus Christ, do you have any idea how many strange cocks you just tasted, kid?

I fuck hookers all the time. Your fine you pussy... Dumping now
