its legal to carry swords, but anyone wearing one can be legally killed in a duel. you cant turn down duels. do you carry the blade Sup Forums?
Its legal to carry swords, but anyone wearing one can be legally killed in a duel. you cant turn down duels...
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Inbred trailer park faggot.
I'm not sure but it is autistic to do either both.
No. I'm an adult without autism so I carry a gun, not a dollar store decoration.
Would you carry the blade, knowing I'm just around the corner?
Is it illegal then in the US?
No I carry 2 or 3 hand grenades. Nobody fucks with me.
autism is strong in op.
Are duels only capable of being activated by sword wielders?
nop,axe wielders can too!
heh, cute toy kid
no money for shoes?
just .... too ..... slow ...
yes. only those competing can initiate a duel. you cannot challenge someone on behalf of another. the only time you can turn down a duel is if you have already had one within 24 hours.
>Get a gun
Nah, but I'd carry a revolver for the same rules.
Sorry kiddo but this isn't the anime where you can block bullets with your shit teir katakanas from eBay.
Yeah, I totally would.
Would rather have a claymore though, like we used back in the day for fighting the English... not a shitty ornamental katana that you weaboo trash think makes you intimidating though. (Protip: while you think you look intimidating when you wave it around in front of the mirror, you really need to get a real sword with a proper blade on it and develop some arm muscle if you plan on seriously having a sword fight with someone)
heh, dead before you hit the ground, kid
I already do, seeing as I can't legally carry firearms. I carry a 4lb cavalry saber when I feel it necessary. My autism knows no bounds.
I can now, finally
though won't be a knife, looking forward to be able to carrying around a collapsible baton, legally.