What is unique about you? Skills count.
What is unique about you? Skills count
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm 2 meters tall.
I'm like 50% Finnish, 25% Russian and 25% Ukrainian. I'm also really short, gay and borderline autistic.
If you are 1 in 1,000,000 there are 6,000 exactly like you.
I'm a jet fighter pilot, I can play drums and I have an 8 inch dick. Not THAT unique, but not bad either.
I have personally answered over 100 /r threads on doujin/hentai during the past 3 month. I know about 20-30 loli artists. I can recall about 15 thru art style. I can recall hentai from yr 2012-13 til now from a small gif.
My dick.
I can sing and play the trombone.
Grandfather wanted to pass on his abilities.
Sad I didn't get a good face though
My cock is thick as fuck, and I can fuck a woman until she's near to lose consciousness.
My gf is always asking me for sex because of this, to the point that she's the one costantly asking for it, even when I don't want to.
my dick doen't work in cold temperatures.