Trap thread, passable edition

Trap thread, passable edition

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No way in hell that's a trap.


lol this guy

sauce on this thot; i dont believe.

this trap is a trap !

Still not buying it till I see a dick

No dicks seen

Just google her name

even if this is a guy, he looks like a huge bitch who's high maintenance af


no way!



That's just an ugly girl.

dat bulge doe

u fokkin right fag!

Got to be a ruskie


Are these the same girl? Make up can't be that powerful.


^^^ kik

Highlighters bruv


fake freckles are fake

i want to pound these lil sissy white bois in their pink fuckholes.

Yes, she uses filters



the fake freckles are fucking stupid looking trap or no trap. 2/10 would not bang...

I know I'm not good enough to have an Instagram but how clockable am I?



Would marry


Holy shit im Straight as fuck but Aw shit im gonna abort this thread

Definitely would date

lets see your butt

Thats given me a bit of confidence

You look good. Keep it up!

You look like my fallout 4 character so would shloink/10

Not a trap
dude looks like a dude
actual girl, not a trap
close but no cigar
why do so many men get lip injections--telltale sign of a trap
you look like Geddy Lee
ha ha ha, no
Robbie Rotten

Here's the one genuinely passable trap I have ever seen


Ah, okay, as soon as you see it moving and talking, it's Jack from Will and Grace level of faggy male. Disgusting. And not even for 15 seconds passable.

Kek this remind me of you know the lord farquad

Hah, you are such a faggot

mind getting a screenshot for me?

you don't think this trap is passable?


looks like someone tarted up neanderthal man at the natural history museum

Still hot

the voice and the hands especially in this video

Irrelevant. You are such a faggot.

one can recognize the one passable trap in the world without being gay, captain latent


I didn't say you were gay. I said you were a faggot. One can tell the difference if they've been on Sup Forums longer than since the start of summer.


So like you're an oldfag and a retard?



amazing bro

You gay faggots realise that all these shopped fucking photos are fake and it sounds and probably smells like a dude and sounds like one. Just learn to get pussy women are dumb fucks u just betas

Sorry are you saying I'm an elderly homosexual?


I know her personally, I sell her molly all the fucking time. And she's just really good at taking pictures. She's not that passable face to face.

novi saddd

Unless there is hardcore video of them sucking cock I don't fucking care.

This user gets it. I've met him in person, he looks nothing like the photos he posts online. He's mentally ill af. He lives to sniff coke and molly. How do I know? He's one of my regular customers.

nah, i just know who this trans dude is

They can try to look like women as much as they like... nothing gets rid of that boy body they all have. Look her legs. Does not look female.

So, tell s/he/it "no talking" and face fuck it.

my penis has never been more confused



I'd love to have a trap gf so I could take her out in public and let people know how progressive I am

lmao looks like xfiles Mulder got abducted and turned into a girl by the ayyyyys


with heavy makeup and photoshopping, even the ugly neckbeard that I am can look cute...



Blue contact lenses, deep voice, probably silicone tits, and gay mannerisms...why do some faggots insist on trying to be women?

Have you ever seen a woman irl?

cis girl

josie jacobs

she can't be trap