What does he think about

what does he think about

Other urls found in this thread:


How he could've married roller girl instead.

>Good thing I chose a qt mulatto over the AIDS patient that is Fiona Apple


Never though of him as being much a sports guy, maybe a mild love for baseball but largely from a stats point of view rather than watching/playing.

Fight club being testicular cancer

He likes porn more than sports

>my wife's getting old
>this game's a waste of time
>everything is a waste of time
>I miss Phillip
>why did nobody like Inherent Vice

They look so happy together.

Seriously I never understand why celebrities don't marry more Normie's?

Half black, half Jew, why?

cuz she's sexy

what are you, a fag?

>cuz she's sexy

whoa she looks like a di vinci painting. perfect

maya rudolph?

Maya Rudolph gets $500K every time this song is used in a commercial or a movie.


well it is a song about her, so, I guess it makes sense.

>I wonder if DDL will do There Will Be Blood 2

I didn't know of this connection tbf


too real, man

that would explain why she's so unattractive