You will witness a presidential assassination in your lifetime

>you will witness a presidential assassination in your lifetime
Are you excited? Scared? How will you feel when Trump gets cut down by an assassin's bullet?

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Will be fun. Could finally touch off a new civil war.

I am ready. Day of the rope.

the FBI has been tipped about this

say hello to the FBI for me you subversive kike

this basically

>implying we would do it ourselves

its a hypothetical nigger, in the events of an assassination of trump in such a volatile political climate, a lot of people would get pissed off and the country would probably plunge into violence over it

she has a nice ass

You know it's a high probability and he is in danger with a population so divided, right? He was already 'attacked' once. I don't doubt that some crazy fucker, a muslim, thug nigga or a mexican, is capable of doing something like this. Remember how Sirhan Sirhan was brainwashed into killing Robert Kennedy? What makes you think it can't happen again?

Not gonna happen kike.

Trump has a team of "I've seen some shit"s working for him. Mercenaries working around the clock. Probably has food testers too.

He's not going to make the same mistakes that JFK did.

I'd prefer to see the first Prime Minister get assassinated within the next 3 years

You never know. It could be a rogue mercenary who does it.

Why are people so afraid of Trump?

Like, so many liberals are losing their minds about him. Even when Obama was running and got elected Republicans weren't rushing him at speeches and shit.

What the fuck is the deal?

Liberals are sore losers.


I'm all for this

Not nice enough for JFK, apparently..

Conservatives have always been more civilized than progressives.

Hearing it the way they tell it you would think someone would take a shot at Obama every time he makes a speech.

But it just doesn't happen.

people tend to be against authoritarian figures, the wall, banning entire groups of people, the fact that doesn't seem to know basic civic or economic workings. For or against what he's saying you have to admit it's pretty damn different from the current situation. People don't adjust well to rapid change to the right or the left.

I feel like he's shaking things up and rustling one too many interest groups feathers is what it is.

He's threatening the establishment and the status quo we have slipped into which is lay back and take it from everyone.

We've been tormented for over a decade by jihadists and illegal immigrants are flooding the country. Now someone is in a position where they might be able to do something about it and suddenly people are upset by this?

Why? It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself. So why shouldn't we defend ourselves?


Politics aside i think a lot of it has to do less with trump the campaign and more with trump the man. He boasts about traditional American values but has been married 3 times and use to rate women's tits on the howard stern show. He literally said the economy couldn't fail because we can just print more money and he's talked about using nukes on multiple occasions. Too most people it just seems like the dude has no fucking idea what he's talking about and the meme has run it's course.

Nothing would've. That man was on a whole diff level of pussyhound

That is always my biggest concern. I mean they are mercs. It is hard to put a trustworthy team like that together.
You want trigger men who have been there done that. Unfortunately men like that have been serving our NWO puppet government and have already possibly done shady assassinations. Many if not most of them are die hard patriots, but it only takes one.
Trump knows all this. He spent time contemplating running. He didn't just jump in. He knows his life, fortune, and honor is on the line. He manned up and stepped in. Sounds like a pledge other men have taken before him in this country doesn't it?

The Paul Reveres have rode and ride still.
Men have signed their name against this government and actively work to undermine it.
A leader has emerged willing to take the same pledge.
It is our job to hold his feet to the fire.
To ensure he fulfills his obligation to this country.
We are moving swiftly towards a dangerous precipice.
Will you stand and be counted, or sit idly by as this nation heaves in its death throes?

>not just trump, but i could def see hillary as well

The fire would engulf all of human civilization. The blood of every jew would be spilt in recompense. The death of the emperor would ultimately provide the fire to operate mankind's crucible, such that the impurity may be pulled out.

Good lawd that ass if fat

lol trumpo is not your biggest problem

That's a nice ass though.



Kennedy had very good taste in women, that's for damn sure.

And your dubs have been checked about that

As have your double dubs

>How will you feel when Trump gets cut down by an assassin's bullet?

My body is ready, sempai.

When has assassinating a high level politician ever yielded anything positive since Roman times?

Lincoln. Nigger lover already divided the country how much more did you want him to destroy it.

I'll find the nearest libcuck and slice that fucker's head clean in the name of kek.

it's impossible. i'm sure SS have some crazy tech to protect against snipers

He was gonna deport the niggers but John was a little bitch who couldn't wait.

If Barry B didn't get assassinated, Trump won't either

JFK hella gay for falling asleep when dat bitch twerking on his car

dat ass


they all jumped off JFK's limo to give Oswald/others a clean first shot

the fatal shot to RFK came from behind at point blank range, while Sirhan Sirhan was blazing away with his shitty little .22 in front of him


Pure rage.

im keen for merkle to get a bullet and hitler 2.0 to take her place

Watch out, we got ourselves an internet badass right here

Didn't happen to Obama, if some stormfag didn't do that to him it won't happen to trump

I don't want to see it happen to any president, it will fuck us up so bad

Only the most holy and edgiest of autists, m'lady.

Media subversion. Listen to the ex KGB talk about it.

Pretty much every attempt on someone in power has been by someone of the left. The left is a mental disease, every wonder why the largest population densities always have very leftist views and policies?

That implys Trump will win the election.
I am ok with this.

It's the PC brainwashing.
They are condition to respond to stimuli in a certain manner.

if that does happen... it will be glorious. Liberals will be put to thetorch.

they will be filleyed , with their multicolored faggoty heads mounted on pikes. Political Corectness culture would crumble.

It will be.. fucking glorious!!

With such civil discourse the federal govt. would collapse with states calling for independence. The south rises again and Texas will be its own nation again.

Fuck .... let it be so!

vice president zimmerman will straighten things out

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there were some serious assassination threats/attempts on Trump during/after the election, especially when he wins. The buttmad from the left will be so off the fucking charts that the only way they'll be able to cope is to be violent and kill the only person that can threaten their plans to ruin the country.

>the buttmad from the left

Ain't even worried about the average lefty.

I've worked in Journalism on and off since I was in middle school, I know the checks articles go through, and what kind of basic quality control there is. There's a lot of negatives you can say about Trump from a policy standpoint, but that's not the problem. What's making me support him more than anything is the concerted shitshow the media has become ever since he started running.

Yeah, it's been shit, slanted, and sensational for awhile, but holy shit, it's like 99 percent of news media has thrown out all standards and are at best refusing to use basic fact-checking and at worst just straight up lying. It's insane.

this, and ironically enough, trump is more liberal than conservative

What are you talking about? Dat ass blew his mind.