What should I do right now?

What should I do right now?

Dubs decides

Show belly button and go to bed.

stick Sharpie in dick

Start making more movies ya fuck!

Clip fingernails
Eat them on cam

Periscope a kidnapping of someone under the age of 16 (hopefully)

Get a better divorce lawyer next time

Do a remake of Top Gun.

If Cruise can ruin a Fraser movie, the inverse can be done as well

Fill your mouth with Salt or sugar

Drink yourself I a blackout for the boyz

*Into a blackout

Sharpie in pooper


Enjoy life and take a moment to look around...

Jk do crack and find some hookers

rape someone idk

attempt acting

tie a piece of thin string around your dick as tightly as possible, tie it in a knot and wait 45 minutes to see what happens


Drink your own piss

eat shit.

Do something productive instead of reading this comment... Ir just go outside and scream "Faggot"