MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way

MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way

It isn't a movement. It is a lifestyle. It is a total rejection of marriage. It is a commitment to remaining a single man. To never put yourself in a situation where a woman can use the state against you.

Most of you are MGTOW and don't even realize it. It is the way of the future. 70% of all men under the age of 35 are not married.

Why is this significant? It is significant because that means the vast majority of the men in our generation are MGTOW and they don't even realize it. They became MGTOW naturally, without having to be encouraged to do so.

Reject marriage. Let the other shoe of the feminist movement drop.

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Isnt that for perma-virgins?

No. MGTOW choose their own lane. Incels have their lane chosen for them.

It's impossible for an incel to be MGTOW

I feel this, but labels are dumb, so just stop.

Love to become a virgin-wizard, but I got shit to do.


Yes, that's about it.
Or more scientifically: "biological failures".

Its pronounced Mig- Toe?

Good Goy don't have White children

The problem isn't MGTOW. The problem is that the opponents of MGTOW (stormfront, jezebel) have shilled so fucking hard against MGTOW that you have internalized their strawman misrepresentation of it. You believe that MGTOW = abstaining from sex. That isn't what it means. Here, I'm going to repeat that last part in all caps for emphasis.


Pic related is an accurate depiction of a typical MGTOW

Do you believe that bachelors abstain from sex? Of course not. The only difference between MGTOW and bachelorhood is that society expects a bachelor to eventually "settle down" and start a family after he has finished sowing his oats. MGTOW are just bachelors who have the audacity to say, "my bachelorhood isn't a phase".

MGTOW isn't anything more than this.
>you may now proceed to strawman what we are because you're intellectually incapable of formulating a logical argument against our actual position.

MLTGPDO = Men Letting Their Gene Pool Die

Sure, if you don't want to get married then don't get married, but at the very least, you should pay for a surrogate mother to bare your sons who you'll raise on your own as alphas.

You're a dumbass. Marriage has tangible societal benefits. Places where MGTOW is exercised to the utmost include marvelous little gems like Somalia, Afghanistan, Qatar, etc.

You want civilization? You're going to need restraint on natural urges to force people to succeed and then permit them to breed. That's what marriage does.

In the year 2060, the white race will constitute 10% of the world population. This is due to the fact that most white people live in more advanced cultures and have access to birth control and western women have educations/careers and due to the fact that in Africa and Asia, women do not have universal access to birth control and are generally uneducated/don't have career options. From now until 2060, Africa and Asia will produce a shitload of children, and their child production will take the world population from 7 billion to 11.5 billion. There is no amount of fucking white people can currently do that will undo the demographic growth of those two peoples. Our fate as a minority on this planet is sealed. Aside from mass genocide or a plague, nothing will undo it.

But here's the thing. Despite white people being a minority, in 2060 there will be more than 1 BILLION of us. 10% of the population and still there will be a BILLION of us. The white race isn't going anywhere. The notion that we are under threat of extinction is propaganda stormfags use to grow their ranks here. Stop drinking their kool-aid and grow a pair.

adopt a kid and give him your genes

If you want to contribute to the gene pool, then donate semen to a sperm bank.

It's got nothing to do with marriage.

>just another night in at the Michael Van Gerwen Appreciation Society

>Marriage has tangible societal benefits.

For women. For men it is overwhelmingly a source of destruction and misery

Well people who don't want to wage a war against women because they're all a big hivemind through their telepathic pussies won't follow any cultish looking stuff like that. If you don't like marriage - ok, nobody cares, maybe your parents who are sad, but stop pretending it's something to be proud of.
If you're so afraid of getting hurt that you curl up in your safe space where no woman will ever hurt you again you're the biggest fucking pussy imaginable.

Still not an excuse to refuse passing on your genes

Such a stupid movement.

MGTOW is not a movement. It's a lifestyle.
In order to be MGTOW, all you have to do is not enter into a relationship with a woman.
That's it. That's all it is.
Its easy to mistake MGTOW for a movement, because men who begin living this lifestyle find it improves their quality of life so much that they feel compelled to share their way of life with other men. There is no more organization behind this compulsion to share the benefits of our lifestyle than there is in recommending to someone that they go see a good movie.
It's a grassroots, spontaneous male awakening to the parasitical nature of women regardless of political affiliations.

You can be MGTOW and still pass on your genes

Arent you women haters?

>nobody cares
lol, if this were true, there wouldn't be SOOOOOOOO many people trying to shame us into silence.

>shut him up
>if he keeps talking this could spread

MGTOW do not hate women. We do not fear woman.

Do you know of any biologists who hate spiders? Having respect for a poisonous spider doesn't equate being afraid of it. Knowing exactly what a woman is doesn't equate hatred

Imagine a fat disgusting tranny w̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ faggoting in front of your door step each day, don't you want to tell him to be a faggot somewhere else?
I'm sure it would be mature to accept that he just can't help how he is, and that it's his own choice, but DAMN he's gay,

I prefer impregnating a beautiful woman. Ugly women use sperm banks. Plus I wont know my child. Being a good father is important to me.

This isn't your front door. If you don't want to see this thread, hide it.

Maximum Triggering

But it's fun to argue.
Ok, i won't bother you anymore, gotta sleep.

I don't want you corrupting the minds of my fellow white men.

I want you to shut the fuck up and go away.

Jesus you're trying really hard again. You're not a woman expert, like the parallel you're trying to draw here. You have no qualifications. You're here recruiting for a "lifestyle", but claim it isn't a movement. Your copypasta responses are all exactly the same as before, showing your true colors as a shill and a drone absent of independent thought. You were unable to adequately respond to criticism before and you'll be unable to now.

Dont cut yourself with that edge bro

this thread sounds like a cry for help
do you think your parents are going to disown you if you tell them you're the gay or do you just don't want people to know you have the gay

Being against national socialism doesn't necessarily make someone anti-white.
National socialism is a despicable form of governance that stifles liberty and freedom of expression.

Dissent has value. A position being able to withstand dissent is how you determine whether or not a position is correct, but with National socialism, you'll get shot for expressing it. You stormfags do not have a monopoly on white pride and you do not get to dictate terms.

Also, recommending to anons that they avoid marriage is the equivalent of recommending to a stranger that they go see a movie. It isn't a big deal and it requires very little effort. This is the perfect forum to issue this recommendation. Someone has to counterbalance the stormfag "extinction" bullshit that goes on here and since this isn't a white nationalist forum, I'm allowed to.

The Nazis on this board are leading my fellow white men into financial ruin solely because they're cowards who believe being surrounded by cheap labor is threatening for some inexplicable reason and someone has to call them out on their bullshit.

stale copy pasta is stale


>implying I have to create an original argument for each of the 30 women who call me a virgin


>unironically using the word "internalized" while speaking about views of a movement
The Horseshoe Theory is real.

Confusing ethnicity with race, look at sweden.

Just date church chicks, retards. We cannot allow the white race to succumb to foreign rapists!

Fuck this gay ass movement. I'd rather take the chance of marrying a whore than not marrying at all and being a sad sack of shit all my life.
>inb4 but we still get pussy and save our money!!

Imagine yourself on a cruise and the ship you are on is sinking. As lifeboats are put into the water, it is discovered that half of them are not seaworthy due to lax maintenance. One out of two sink as they are put into the water and its occupants swim back to the sinking cruise ship, desperately climbing back on board as everyone still on the cruise ship is panicking. You find yourself sitting on one of the lifeboats that actually works. However, a man wearing the uniform of a crew member points at you and yells at you. He is demanding that you get up out of your seat.

He says, "There aren't enough seats for everyone. Women and children first!"

You look over his shoulder and see a woman waiting for you to get up. You tell him to go fuck himself, and refuse to give up your seat. You assert that your life is just as valuable as hers and since you got to the seat first, the seat is rightfully yours. The man waves some of his fellow crew mates over to you and they forcefully remove you from the lifeboat. As soon as your seat becomes available, the women sits in it without hesitation.

The notion that she has priority to that seat has been ingrained into her since childhood. She feels entitled to that seat and whether or not your life is more valuable never even crosses her mind. The fact that you are a professor at an Ivy League university and one of the most renowned physicists currently living and she is just a house wife is irrelevant. She is a woman.

Where feminism is primarily focused on female supremacy, traditionalism is focused on female superiority. Traditionalism is the other feminism. It's the gynocentric, white knight voice on the conservative side of politics and it’s the reason the ship's crew pulled you from the lifeboat. Traditionalism is the assertion that your life is less valuable than a woman and that it is your duty to consider yourself disposable. It is the pedestalization of women.

It isn't a movement. It is a lifestyle.

>he thinks marrying a whore will prevent him from becoming a sad sack of shit

There's another group of people who like that phrase

I don't think they do this anymore. "Women and children first" I mean. I'd like kids to go first yes, but I feel men and women are viewed fairly the same now adays.

This is so fucking stupid. It isn't about whether or not we go extinct, it's about us becoming so much of a minority that we as a people no longer have a say in any country on the planet.

Are you fucking retarded? How can you not be afraid of becoming a minority?

I love this thread! And i love MGTOW! Great people!

White people are a minority now and they will be a minority in the future. But unlike you, I'm not a coward about it. I'm from the southern United States and my forefathers were surrounded by niggers and lived that way fearlessly for a reason. Niggers are dumb. As white people see themselves become less and less of the world population, they will unite and as the smartest group on the planet, we will dominate as we always have.

Where you see more brown people, I see more cheap labor. Why the fuck would you be afraid of that, unless of course, you're a manual laborer, lol

the other guy is actually incredulous that a "mgtow" incel would have nothing better to do than try to convince other people their life style isn't as miserable as it seems. Where as I am aware they are totally miserable and have nothing better to do than copy paste the same tired old arguments/pictures/videos practically verbatim until they're forced to admit they just hate women because they can't get/keep them. Personally I think it's rather pathetic and a lot of them should just admit they can't get/keep women because they have the gay.

U seem upset

What is it about a man declaring that his bachelorhood isn't a phase that would cause you to become so irate? Wouldn't the growth of MGTOW make it easier for you to find a better wife? Doesn't each MGTOW change the ratio between women looking for a husband and men looking to marry to your favor?

to all the dumb fucks who think MGTOW is about "perma virgins, beta/alpha, and hating women" aren't getting it.

It is a rather well established fact that most MGTOW are men who have either been

>victimized in their relationships and finally understood what the problem was

>recognized the bullshit their parents relationship was

>understand that you dont need a long, or even short relationship for sex
>realize that the concept of marriage was an old world, religious means of advancing one's socioeconomic standing

>acknowledge that being subjugated to another (typically a woman) in a relationship doesn't make it a relationship

So you do really care about about cultures and specific ethnicities that will be annihilated, by dumb invasive sandniggers. You do not have to be smart to be extremely dangerous.

You do not really care that some countries belong to ethnic people and we should be fighting tooth and nail for it too stay that way.

And what will you do about the jews? Who want us dead? Do you really think they will give up?

Who do you think created the situation in which marriage is no longer an easy choice?

We do not want you dead! We would never! We are your greatest ally!

She's a femanon and the change in ratio would make it more difficult to find a husband.

You stormfags are literally afraid of your own shadow

Not really, we are just more observant and less gullible than most.

>the sky is falling
>correlation implies causation all over the place

quads have spoken. I was on the fence about this whole mgtow thing, but this thread is a pretty convincing argument

rebuttal quads

Sounds like a sad life to me. You need a partner

>29 out of 31 free association all over the europe pushing and funding are foreign jewish organizations.
>Just a another coincidence

Don't you like having sex, user? Why would you intentionally decide to stop having sex?

No, you don't. No company is better than bad company.

I have a partner. A lawyer who used to be a regular at my bar went in on my first business with me as a silent partner.

And good company is better than no company

I'm not upset. Shit rolls down hill. I get bullied and then bully other people. It's not because you're gay, but I'm going to bring that up anyway.

>to all the dumb fucks who think MGTOW is about "perma virgins, beta/alpha, and hating women" aren't getting it.
That's cut but you could just sum up the whole MGTOW thing as
>aren't getting it
in reference to pussy

And good company is less likely than bad company. Face it, people don't want to put up with the bullshit women and society throw at men today. Good for you if you have it great, but others don't.

47 oldfartfag here. I've been doing this without realizing it for a few years.

Marriage, kids, commitment, tons of responsibility, etc. What do that all for some pussy that gets old and ugly and gets turned off? Getting married for a man is so stupid.

Asian whores are where its at.

What makes you think that mgtow don't get pussy?

MGTOW doesn't just mean celibate, just means you aren't getting in relationships.

I mean some go celibate, but I mean you could easily get more pussy than most married men by not marrying.

>getting hurt
>huge pussy
>getting all your shit taken and starting from scratch at 38 because your wife got bored

Fuck off nigger.

Men and society throw shit at women too. Now men are playing victim. Fucking lol

Because all women would universally reject you.

>a man doing whatever he wants and listening to no one
>two faggots fucking

I don't even understand your thought process, I bet you play Teemo.

Please. Women in the western world have it leagues better than the AVERAGE man. Keyword.

What about strippers who fuck for cash on their night off? Are you asserting that they would be above taking my money because they somehow magically know that I've decided to never get married?

You can only get laid by paying for it. THAT'S how worthless you are.

I don't think they get pussy because they are pussies.
You see your entire argument hinges on theoretical "could" and such. You see it's just funny how obsessed some of you incels are with this theory when in practice it doesn't work that way. It's kind of ironic since the huge part of your theory is that other practices don't work, but you have a very big cognitive dissonance about it.

>constant contact
>copious amounts of time

Yeah, because being in a relationship is free.

Nope. Just different kinds of issues.

You could do that anyway if you were married so that's just a moot point except you basically have to stoop to paying a woman to have sex with you either way.

>not understanding the post was in reference to relationships
>not understanding the bachelors lifestyle

Thousands of generations of my ancestors managed to procreate and
raise offspring, thus prolonging the genetic line that produced me. And I'm prepared to throw that all away just to spite some mouthy cunts. Real talk this "movement" should just be called "beta empowerment".

Oh no we're all oppressed!

Letz form a movement to compensate for not having enough balls to deal with rejection, instead of being her little bitch boy on a leash praying she'll suddenly wanna fuck you after showing up with your weeaboo beta pillows and lookAtmeeeee fidget spinner attention seeking toy.

Shit is a bad as the feminist and sjw's

And somehow MGTOWs are the desperate ones.

Tho, being MGTOW is something rather vague. We draw the hard line at marriage, because at the point of marriage, a dude is definitely and unequivocally bluepill.

Else, MGTOW is more of a mindset than anything else.

Sex is overrated, and you don't really care about your offspring when you're in the ground, so better spend your time on earth doing something you enjoy as an individual and gives your life meaning.

>a man is only valuable if women vouch for him
>they bestow the title of human being only to the worthy

You have a slave mentality. You believe that your worth as a human being is based upon the opinion of women.

Who the fuck can afford to pay strippers for sex?

Stop being a fat lazy piece of shit. You're old and boring and ugly and probably don't make that much money and now she is looking at you with regret. You probably gave her ugly fat children too

Brendan Fraser has had to pay his ex wife $900,000 a year every year since 2008. That's $8,100,000. This isn't counting the half she got in the divorce. This is alimony he paid ON TOP OF the half she got in the divorce settlement.

For that amount of money, he could have stocked a house like Charlie Sheen for all 9 of those years with 20 women and still have 2-3 million dollars left over.

Yes white man, let the subhumans do the hard work.

Not married, not single


I've got plenty of reasons to avoid passing on my genes.

I think MGTOW was developed by median level males who wanted to knock out their competition, so they created this "revolutionary" idea of "sticking it to the (wo)man" by taking themselves out of the dating pool

Thus increasing the males chance of finding a successful mate who don't buy into MGTOW


You MGTOW are a bunch of fukin fags. The only reason the only women you can find are assholess is because you guys are assholes. As my great grand papy said " Stupid assholes end up with bitchy assholes"