Ok boys Operation potter is a go the objective is to separate these two plants it's all counting on you soldiers (go to...

Ok boys Operation potter is a go the objective is to separate these two plants it's all counting on you soldiers (go to earthcams.com and than Times Square to watch)



Could be fun. bump


We got a traitor boys he seems to be working for the pots tie him up befor he lets out any intel

Those where some nice chads

How did they find us so quickly?

Come on boys we can't let those green bastards win, let's show em what we're made of

They've got heavy security patrolling the place I see.

I don't know but there sneaky as hell from now on no one leaves this bored with out a "talk" with me

That thing is amazing !

Yes tanks and hourly patrols well have to fight for our lives

i dont understand how we are supposed to do this?

Why do u want to separate this happy couple


Men I think I speak for all of us when I say we're not going to lose to some sun soaking pices of shit,I belive in all of you

I hate same plant couples + they are black.

That's not a couple man get ur head out of ur ass those are deadly war machines when together but when apart they are powerless

What does it say on the plant

I can already see how this thread is gonna turn out:
We will have 7-8 threads of pure waiting with nothing happening. Every slightest thing appearing on cam will get capped and posted until the thread simply dissappears with nothing accomplished, but lets be honst. The waiting is just as fun as the actual happening.

Keep ur spirt high man and have same damn fate this is the Sup Forums were talking the most talented team ive ever come across


Say I drove 3 hours and separated these plants,
What am I doing it for?
The glory?


being this autistic

I'm not going to stop until the green menace is sent to hell

I don't know, I just don't think it's worth. I don't get very good gas mileage.
Also check em

we arent sending them to hell, unless thats two foot away from the other plant

Just stop.


Its painful.

Ur doing it for ur country for freedom so that civilians can sit in there homes care free so that you can protect and serve ur nation

Just pushing the right plant over the blue line would make me happy. Seperate this bitches

YOu did it for some Sup Forumstards

That is not all you did it for.
you did it for the better of plotmanity
you did it for the better of the earth
For the better of yourself.

You need
the fucking plants

you will have ur satisfaction soon man just stay at the ready for a counter attack

o look it the card stand 2.0

he will not devide us !


ah card stand, good shit mane

The good ol days.

It's ok soldier there will always be some dirty fucking hippies to criticize us but we know that this war needs to be fought and if not by us than by whom

Men let's not reminisce on past wars let us focous on the one at hand

loose lips sinks ships

thinking of past victories may aid us in overcoming many issues that we may come across in this great battle.

That is true thank you for bringing this to my attention you my continue but be wary for with every moment they are together they grow stronger

Nagi from Hobart

fuck you op

you do it OP

Fuck you faggot fighting aginst ur on country that's treason

Sadly I can not I must stay at base camp vigilant and wary of attacks

of course onward to victory, but without history we are doomed to make the same mistakes
>looking @ you hitler

Men I say this with great anguish but it appears that the green fuckers have more allies than I could ever have imagined they have even taken some of our own men but nevertheless we will not give up we will fight until we drop

C'mon guys... That plant is still there, I'm itching to see it move. If I had the money I would consider hopping on a plane to New York City just to move it.

All these fucking pussies in this thread. Full of newfaggot redit scum. The old Sup Forums would have got this over & done with within 10 minutes. I live 20mins from there & I'll do it since none of you underage fucking pussy bitches will do it. Fucking pussy newfaggots.

Private what's ur name

>I would consider hopping on a plane to New York City just to move it

Keep lying to yourself.

>lives 20 mins from there

Why did you not fucking do it in the first place instead of relying on "under age newfaggots" to do it

Do it than faggot

Trips of Nagi ...err...truth

>Not detecting the fucking obvious joke

pm'd you my name

go then pussy

Do it fag

The plants have a nigger guarding them...

Do it you Candy-Ass Roody-Poo.

Watch this guy taking selfies with our couple !

Am i the only one who found the site to be a pron site?


Boy how nothing has changed.


earthcam com
and not
earthcams com


I only just saw this thread you fucking retarded cocksucker.

Then* fucking underage retard.

Says the pussy bitch who's too scared. I 9Gag is more suited to you, pusy faggot.

I will since I'm not a pussy faggot like you.

Watch me you fat cocksucker.

oh now there's a nigger AND two feminists (I assume) guarding the plant

Yes it does seem that they have a guardian

if by pron you mean seperating plants for the good of all humanity then yes.

Holy fucking kek

wee need to contact this nigger

You've got 30 minutes, we believe in you user.

i live in texas you fucking idiot, guess ill start walking. id make it there before your "glorious oldfag" ass even made it out of your grandmas house

He won't stop taking fucking selfies

The one on the left has tentacles.

The newfaggotry in this thread

Nigga won't stop looking at white women.

Watch me.

>Projecting this hard

Get back to work you lazy ass spic.

Let's get em

but if you take a look he sits right in the middle of the picture while he is taking a picture of him. coincidence???

Those plants stay where they are!

>still here
>20 mins away

Fucking seperate them you cuck you're wasting time being here

Be wary, bring your finest armor and weaponry...

>mfw im whiter than white bread

You're saying that smart water bottle is Boss #3
or the person sitting down is boss #3

The water bottle, It's just been sitting there...menacingly.

Not that user, but your begging him to stop - posts are:




thats an easteregg boss

what if hes not even taking selfies but hes watching this thread and is just egging us.

New boss just showed up, new level boys

>don't warp around the other side. that's cheating

Holy shit boys were in for the fight of our lives

hope whoever is brave enough is prepared well enough for this.

boss one and two despawned