>be smoking cigarette while waiting for buss
>middle aged man and old man few meters from me
>middle aged man comments on me smoking
>say i must have no will since I like to do that
>old man says i must have a lot of will, since i'm still smoking even though there's douchebags like him commenting all the time
Be smoking cigarette while waiting for buss
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Lets make this a smokers thread. What do you smoke Sup Forums? I smoke Prince Light (Danish brand) and hash.
well, what is it? do you have no will or an iron will??? dont leave us hanging
Depends on the day
That old man deserves a beer
Iron will today
Iron lung tomorrow
Why'd you start smoking, my dude?
I have my bad days and I usually just have one or two cigs, and then I feel fine.
Also, what's the usual shelf life for a pack?
You're probably going to react like my friends. But, I'm seriously planning on receiving new lungs, kidney, heart etc. in the future when medical science is ready to reconstruct new ones. Which seems to be within 15 years. I'll be fucking 120 years old before I stop pumping smoke into this earth's atmosphere
I started cigarettes when I was 18. Had always been that one person in the group who didn't smoke. But, I always had cigarettes on me, because I smoked joints daily. So, when I started this job at 18, where literally everyone smoked, I thought: "fuck it" i have some on me anyway.
It varies a lot for me. If I have uni and work in the same day, then I can probably smoke 5-8. But I can also go a whole day without smoking 1, but then I have been smoking joints the whole day.