Be smoking cigarette while waiting for buss

>be smoking cigarette while waiting for buss
>middle aged man and old man few meters from me
>middle aged man comments on me smoking
>say i must have no will since I like to do that
>old man says i must have a lot of will, since i'm still smoking even though there's douchebags like him commenting all the time

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Lets make this a smokers thread. What do you smoke Sup Forums? I smoke Prince Light (Danish brand) and hash.

well, what is it? do you have no will or an iron will??? dont leave us hanging

Depends on the day

That old man deserves a beer


Iron will today
Iron lung tomorrow

Why'd you start smoking, my dude?
I have my bad days and I usually just have one or two cigs, and then I feel fine.

Also, what's the usual shelf life for a pack?

You're probably going to react like my friends. But, I'm seriously planning on receiving new lungs, kidney, heart etc. in the future when medical science is ready to reconstruct new ones. Which seems to be within 15 years. I'll be fucking 120 years old before I stop pumping smoke into this earth's atmosphere

I started cigarettes when I was 18. Had always been that one person in the group who didn't smoke. But, I always had cigarettes on me, because I smoked joints daily. So, when I started this job at 18, where literally everyone smoked, I thought: "fuck it" i have some on me anyway.

It varies a lot for me. If I have uni and work in the same day, then I can probably smoke 5-8. But I can also go a whole day without smoking 1, but then I have been smoking joints the whole day.

- and, I have different social groups. There's one who likes coca and joints, but these guys never have any money. So I can go through a whole pack in a few hours with them, because they smoke it..

>3 days smokeless
>going on 4th
>been using snus instead

>smoked for years
>stopped smoking
>cant now stand the smell of smoke and find it really harsh on my lungs even being around anyone smoking
>had no idea i stank so badly

You wont make it . Theres a gestation period for cancer to impact and once its detected you have to get real lucky to survive . If you did survive your life expectency is diminished anyway . Get a new lung sounds great until the trubs that link the lungs are cancerious ... cant be removed ,,,,, you are fucked . Arrogence doesnt cure cancer and caner does care about the arrogence of youth .

>but these guys never have any money.

Norwegian or Swede? hah

Man, snus is more disgusting than cigarettes, don't do that shit. You burn holes in your mouth and you look weird.

Have a friend living in Norway. His norwegian wife invited friends over to drink, and at a point I looked around and saw literally everyone with snus in their mouth looking

I see. Well, I was sort of thinking I would replace my shit before they went bad. Still won't work?

looking weird

Yeah, I gotta admit that it looks moronic and is pretty disgusting. But it's the cheapest source of nicotine I could find, and I felt like being smokeless for a while.
Nicotine gum is so fucking expensive, it's ridiculous.

Thankfully we got some new cigarillos in Finland, which somehow circumvent the tax on cigarettes. They have just enough nicotine to be classified as cigars, so they're not taxed (i think), so they're literally less than half the price of a cig pack.
Regular cig pack -> ~6.50€
Cheapest cigarillos -> 2.75€

Gonna try those when I run out of snus

Also, I'm using some weak-ass snus, which I got from my buddy. Doesn't burn at all, even though I'm basically a first-time user.

Is snus as popular in Finland as it as in Norway and Sweden?
So there is nicotine in cigarillos? I always just assumed there was nothing in them, since they're so cheap

Im on my second pack ever, but i only ever smoke like once a day if that, and in the evening.
Is this bad? I like the feeling it gives.

>So there is nicotine in cigarillos?
Yes, more than a cigarette but less than a full cigar.
I don't know if they carry swisher sweets where you are, but if they do you should try a pack.

Selling snus - to my knowledge - is illegal everywhere except Sweden, so Finland (and Norway) just have a shit-ton of "smugglers" who bring it from Sweden. Usually from a city that's right on the country's border.
Especially teens think they can get rich quick (and I guess some do make a living out of it) by smuggling snus to their friends, etc.. You don't really get jailtime when you get caught, you just gotta pay some fines. So if "you know a guy" it's pretty readily available.

And about cigarillos;
>Cigarillos have nicotine levels (100-200 mg nicotine) that are generally higher than cigarettes (~8.4 mg nicotine).

But I don't really see older adults using snus in Finland. It's definitely more for 16 - 25 year olds, who don't want to stress their lungs (for sports, I guess).

Quit now, while you're ahead.

You reckon?
Not worth it?

Yeah its not worth it

That occasional "refreshed feeling" becomes "fuck, I need a smoke right fucking now" very, very fast.


Aight thx peepz ill heed your warning

Godspeed, user.
Its a nice day out. Go for a jog. Because you still can..

Ah i would haha its currently 0:44am

Fuckin' kids.

If you want to smoke, smoke. If you don't want to smoke, don't fucking smoke. Just whatever you do, stop trying to justify your decision on the interbutts.

It more the fact that i dont even know why i started in the first place

garbage. Snus records something like a 3% increase in mouth cancer rates (already a very small number as less common), and all but eradicates lung cancer (by far the most common smoking-related cancer).

It is much healthier.

i started when i was 12. my brother and friends were doing it and i wanted to fit in. by 14 i was addicted. im now 27 and have tried to quit 2 times. almost made it last time, then i bought a vape and now im smoking again. i use the vape so im not chainsmoking. fucking sucks man. that craving/withdrawl feeling of just needing smoke in your lungs is brutal as fuck. i have a kid now and my girlfriend is always railing on me to quit so i dont get cancer by the time im 40....

What a badass, killing himself in public.

I was just about to head out and pick up some smoker friendly castoffs when I saw that.

>Be me, 29
>Americunt Warfag
>Having a smoke outside a bar
>Manbun VonDoucheatrron just HAS to open his disgusting cockholster
"Y'know, those things'll kill ya..."
>MFW over 30g of shrapnel in my neck, shoulders, back
>MFW been blown up 6 times
>MFW took 3 AK rounds thru-and-thru right thigh
>MFW I'm pretty sure that was some kind of biohazard we just drove through
"I doubt it."

you are a self conscience beta faggot since it flustered you so much you felt the need to make this thread.
>i wuz smoking pretending to be kool then sumwon hhrt muh feewings but an old man made me feel better :)

youre a little bitch