So my wife and I are thinking about bringing another couple into the bedroom to watch and to watch us and to possibly...

So my wife and I are thinking about bringing another couple into the bedroom to watch and to watch us and to possibly all play together so my question for b/ is if you have ever done this where did you find the couple you did it with? We have tried posting on Craigslist and it never seems to work for us but we are just to shy to try and go out and meet a couple for ourselves. Did you use any sites or apps to find a threesome or another couple to play with? Or was it just spur of the moment? Pic very related

More pics of your wife.

enjoy watching your wife's love for you fade before your eyes as she experiences another man

She's more interested in a female anyways she wants her first bi experience but we think a couple could be more fun at the same time.

Chatrooms, online etc.

Find a couple near enough. Get to know them, metro in person. Then progress to the bedroom.

It's hot btw, nice to take it in turns and amazing to watch girls fuck each other, whilst the guys have a beer

When you say chatrooms and things where can I find those we would like to find one in myrtle beach while on vacation

In the exact same boat as you. Wife wants to have a ffm 3sum but it's turning out impossible to find a single women to do it. Craigslist is filled with couples looking for other couples in my area but no single women.

My gf and me are both swingers sooo....

I couldn't do it because of past experience. I can 3 way or more with a woman that I don't care about. I cannot, however, do anything like that with my current woman because I don't want to do anything that could remotely fuck this up.

I would see my current woman in a different light and always question if she liked the other dick more than mine. Idgaf if some bitch I care nothing for doesn't like my cock; I'm getting mine.

That being said, take a look at Craigslist. Look at the surrounding cities too.

>So my wife and I are thinking about getting a divorce in the stupidest, most drama-filled way possible so that neither of us will have any friends when it's over.


>She's more interested in a female
pisss off

There are some websites you can use. Wife and I have used and We've met up with a few couples and had some fun. I can't prove to you that my wife and I are swingers but you'll just have to take my word for it Sup Forumsro

That's always a possibility but if you and your wife/gf care about each other and your relationship isn't complete shit, you wouldn't have anything to worry about.

In the myrtle beach area?

We've looked and posted on Craigslist in the area and around and still no luck with an at least DECENT couple. That's why I came here to ask. We have never really had much luck off there

Whats that?

Are either free to use? I don't really wanna pay to find one we don't care to have one enough to pay just something fun new and exciting to try.

A city in South Carolina

We are from germany

They have free versions of them. Limited use but still work. You could also try using kik. Usually they have public groups for swingers in most areas

Be careful. Move slowly. This stuff can ruin a relationship and requires an immense amount of trust

She might be more attached to the idea of it than seeing it.

We've talked about this for years now. We are so comfortable with it now just because we are so open with each other about our sex lifes. Things we do or don't like it. It helps a lot for something like this. And after 7 years of sex she can still make me cum three times in one session and her at least 5. We are very comfortable and confident in ourselves but we just wanna try something new at least once. We've already talked about we don't want any of this to be a regular thing but if it happens every once and a while we might not complain lol

I used Craigslist and joined another couple for a theesome.

yay, STDs are great, huh?

I already experienced foursome and threesome, but I actualy prefer 4, because with 3 ppl one of them Will always have to watch or will not receive the same pleasure

Might be easier to start with a threesome first, easier to find a single guy or girl for the first experience.

My best friend and his wife keep moving closer to a group bang ses. I know if we where all drunk somewhere it would prob get weird. Question is will it ruin our friendships. Any one with experience in this

She's isn't really interested in the guy it would be nice to be there but she really doesn't care she wants to fuck a girl more then anything and they aren't easy to find exactly :(


Sounds more like, go on holiday and pay a hooker would get the job done. No point swapping with another couple and for a guy to fuck her if she's not really into it. Just have her pic the girl.

If it were that easy she already said she wouldn't fuck a hooker which is where the couple comes in single females are SO hard to find and couples are easy. She isn't against the idea of 2 cocks and wouldn't mind it and I also want to give her an option of that if she is gonna let me fuck the girl she brings in so I see it as only fair to at least give the same offer up if she wants it. But the more we talk about it the more she seems into just the girl rather then another dude

One of you is going to have a bigger dick.
Just let that sink in.

I see! I understand now. It still seems like a holiday thing you end up talking to another couple in a bar or something a spare of the moment type of thing, the internet is a bit difficult (although a lot of people do it) to know if you will get along with them. at lest you have a wife who is open to the possibility if it comes up.

Virgin level 3000

>When you say chatrooms and things where can I find those
3nder, pronounced as 'thrinder' is an app for threesomes. You'll find couples on there. You can try fetlife also - but be careful lots of straight up freaks on fetlife

I have fucked a couple of 'subs' that I hooked up with on fetlife. Both of them were 7/10 hot and 10/10 mentally ill. I mean bonafide crazy. But I wasn't exactly looking for vanilla girls. They both had horror stories of having to change addresses and going into hiding because of fetlife stalkers.

Why is that an issue? She cums on my cock all the time. Not to mention she isn't a size queen. 8 inches is even to big for her sometimes so we don't wanna go any bigger then me anyways. I have never had an issue with my size I'm comfortable with myself and how I fuck

Fetlife will get you a hookup.. or go to a bar and ask other couples.

>ask other couples
Hey your wife's pretty hot, can I fuck her throat while you ass fuck my 5/10 ham beast?

Swinglifestyle dot com
Worked well for us in the past.
We're old now and barely find time for each other, let alone another couple. I will always have the memories.
Until Alzheimer's sets in...

Not a couple, but ex asked her friend to join us in bed one night. I had the night of my life, but after she turned into a complete bitch so I bailed.

My point, it'll probably ruin your relationship

I'm more worried about them having the ham beast

>My point, it'll probably ruin your relationship
Are you some sort of special reference model for the rest of humanity? It happens to you, therefore it is bound to happen to all. Maybe you just suck in a relationship.

>I'm more worried about them having the ham beast
My ex was bi and very much into to picking up women for 3 ways. Thing was, I hated her taste in women. I was always amazed at her pickup skills, she had a radar for it, but she picked up these rail thin emo chicks that I was completely not into to.
My current GF likes to talk dirty and do fantasy stuff so she'll talk about doing other guys, I'd let her do it to, but I'm always a little dismayed by the guys she finds attractive. I just don't see it. No accounting for taste.

Are you retarded?
I've been with my bf for 7 years and I find females more enticing, more physically appealing. I want to go all the way with a woman, but I would never date one.
So.. Fuck outta here m8

Craig's List in Northern Virginia always has a few entries from women who want to just watch a couple fuck. They say they prolly don't want to join in. I always wonder if that's for real? Some sort of hustle? I'd like them to watch me tie up my wife and fuck her throat. That quite a show.

Just be careful - some of those bitches ask for payment.

Same way she feels! Finds them sexy as fuck but wouldn't wanna date one.

I have a question for you then - does she trust you 100%?
If there is even a SINGLE SLICE of doubt that you would remain loyal, don't do it.
If you go through with it, give 90% of your attention to your girl, not the other one.

>some of those bitches ask for payment.
That's why I wonder if it's a hustle, even a blackmail potential

Wear masks and do it away from your own house, kek.

>give 90% of your attention to your girl, not the other one.
I fucked a gal a few years back that was coerced into a 3way by her husband - then he pretty much ignored her while he went ape over the new chick.
Good luck ever getting her to do a 3way again.

>Wear masks and do it away from your own house, kek.
I'd rather just sell the chick into white slavery. Masks make my nose itch.

7 years together and our trust has never been stronger I know she wouldn't cheat on me and she wouldn't to me we have to strong a connection and been to hell and back together. And I'm not interested in the girl just them doing stuff to each other and me to my girl. She talks about wanting to see her do things to me and to her than I even do myself.

Exactly where dudes go wrong. I'm speaking from experience as a female - don't act like the new chick is hot shit. Make your girl feel like she rules the bed. She is a model in your eyes in those moments. If you touch the other girl, you are making sure your girl is cool with it. It's awkward and weird but it's gotta be that way if you want it again.

Talk it over with her. Set rules and boundaries. Make sure she is 100% comfortable and if at any time she says stop, you stop. If you think your relationship is sturdy enough, go for it. I've been trying to talk my bf into it but holy shit he keeps saying no to every damn girl I manage to pick up. Ergh.

Paint your face black.

>keeps saying no to every damn girl I manage to pick up. Ergh.
What is his hesitation? As someone who had a GF that was good at picking up girls I found it intimidating at times. Clearly she had strong bi inclinations and in my weaker moments that was threatening to me.

>Paint your face black.
My wife might like that too much

Idk guys. Start a thread for ppl in your area to gather Kik info for interested femanons

Beyond that, maybe Backpage.

He was a virgin when we met, does that count for something?
He says he doesn't want me to distrust him, but my best friend (of about 9 years now) and I made the move on him and he wiggled away. Hmmmm

Why does he say no? Their looks? And this is 2 years in the making we did plenty of time to talk it out and set our rules before we even decided to look. So we have given much thought to this which is way we both are so comfortable even to the point she wants me to do stuff to the other girl and watch or help me fuck her. But at the same time we're both very well aware that in the moment anything can change and all either of us have to do is say stop and everything stops there

I've pointed out girls and asked if they were hot. He said yes. I asked him if he wanted to bring them to bed. He said no. I dunno, maybe he's just uncomfortable with sharing me as well? Sounds silly but he's quite vanilla. I've only just started introducing him to my kinks after 7 years because it was overwhelming to him for so long. Maybe time will help, eh?

I say go for it then. Just be completely aware of your gf and what she is feeling. Follow her lead and don't go crazy over the other girl. Sounds like a pretty great time to me.

I only warn you about all this stuff because, let's face it, girls can be oversensitive about stuff. And you're gonna want more after your first time, probably.

>He was a virgin
I think you might be onto something. When I was younger I was alpha as fuck but completely out of touch with my sexuality. Meaning I'd stick my dick in anything but I didn't listen at all to my inner voice, what was I really into, what were my anxieties, fears, etc. Since I didn't have an inner dialogue with myself - I couldn't really tell me GF that it scared me to see her be passionate with a chick because I had abandonment fears (very unmanly). It came down to me being able to face my own fears.

Thank you! It was nice to hear some really solid advice for once instead of all the other bullshit that comes with and plus it's always nice to get a femanons advice on something like this :)

I just don't want a relationship to fuck up because of something like this. It's too easy to let that happen. Just be a good dude about it and it will be fine. Your gf is your priority, no matter how gorgeous the other girl is.
You'll be fine, dude.

Hmm. I haven't figured anything from him except Pegging yet. Perhaps he's still on the learning curve. I'd love to have a threesome one day though.

nigga if thats you and your wife in the first photo. your dick is like 5 - 5.5 inches. but whatever makes you sleep at night.

Keep this thread alive. Wannabe swingers here in Chicago.

That's fine. The ruler and her screams say otherwise :D I'll still get to have a threesome while you get what? Your hand?

>I'll still get to have a threesome while you get what? Your hand?
His tiny adolescent hand.

>I'd love to have a threesome one day though.
I hope you find what you're looking for femanon

Tinder is good for that in the US, both of you set up accounts looking for men and women and try to find like minded people

If your worried about him be better then u or losing your girl then your not a great alpha male like my self and should just let her go