So I've been living in Southern California for the last 5 or so years. Is it just me...

So I've been living in Southern California for the last 5 or so years. Is it just me, or are the people here incredibly hedonistic? It's like no one cares about anything beyond getting high and partying.

What part of socal?

also the problem is our culture is kind of non-existent, california just popped up recently (relative to world cultures)

It's universal, my city is no different.
I just don't get the appeal of parties or how drunkenly shambling through a crowded dance floor to shitty rap is supposed to be "fun".


>What part of socal?
Inland Empire.

I can't enjoy any of that, it's all so damn shallow. Makes me feel like I'm dying inside.

The fun is the part where you pick up girls drunk/drugged off their faces that will go around the corner and fuck you, then do their best to forget about you the next day

At least it's better than the Bay Area, where things are at least 1.5 times more expensive than there

I live in SoCal as well. But my city is one of the last conservative strongholds. There are issues here, sure, but most people are steadfast conservatives and don't take liberal bullshit very well. There are liberals here, but they just spout off crap and are silenced by the majority who knows it's lies and muh feelings.

I do find it amusing that most teens here HATE it here. Say there is nothing good here and they wish they lived in the bigger cities, aka liberal havens.

>It's like no one cares about anything beyond getting high and partying.
Yeah, we should all just be straight edge like you, user

>Demand 15 min wage in a state where businesses are made to pay for pretty much everything social
>Call them greedy when they leave

No I think we're just dumb.

>conservative strongholds
I heard Orange county has some good # of conservatives but I am surprised that there are actually some conservative towns in SoCal.

>they wished they live in the nigger cities

Doesn't make sense to me, why would I want to waste my time with sluts or mindless infidelity?

We're living in our Weimar period. The decadence of liberal capitalism is apparent for all to see. People are fooling themselves, pursuing hedonistic impulses in an attempt to deny the reality that awaits them in the future.

But in the end the smug cunt was you

Only we care about you. Even then it's only a little.

Conservative cities, actually. The Golden Empire. Not immensely huge, but still a decent sized city that remains intensely conservative. People are told that we are the armpit of California and that everyone here are hicks and rednecks. I find it amusing since we are a large conservative area in a state of mostly liberals. It makes sense that they would discourage people from visiting or staying.

The man in that photo looks like he cares about more than getting high and partying.


Hey fellow IE bro. Riverside by any chance?

I think people here are caught up in the LA life fast die young mentality. However if you look hard enough you'll find plenty of non scumbags

I mean just having sex with a female, I get you guys pump 'roos and shit but show some consideration for the non-savage people of the world

i've been here all my life, it's the worst

nice taste on loli, best daughteru

it's dying quickly, all the close suburb mexicans are moving out to the cheaper bigger houses for more room

I wonder if you can even find your own country on a map

Yeah, Riverside. I'm losing hope, though.


get your own water niggers