What was his fucking problem

What was his fucking problem

He was alcoholic

t. alcoholic user

Bitch ass
He was like an intellectual version of pettigrew

well first of all, he isn't being played by a discount willford brimley

But was actually a good person unlike Pettigrew

you'd think voldemort would have done everything in his power to hunt him down. The one person in the world that knows his true secret.

Also it bugged me that dumbledore never actually figured out what was going on until he got his memory. Like you have diary and ring and you still don't know he made horcruxes? why did a potions master know this random information about horcruxes years ago but one the smartest wizards had no idea

Slughorn was not a good person. He did the right thing in the end, sure, and he wasn't straight up evil, but he wasn't good.

badly casted

should have been a fat bloke

As far as we know he never did anything evil and the only time we know of where he unintentionally caused harm (telling Voldemort about horcruxes), he felt guilt and shame for the rest of his life.

Pretty sure you're not supposed to point a wand at your head.

Is that the forensics guy from ncis?

inb4 the pasta was his problem

Magic isn't real user, that's just a stick.

Go to bed, Battler

That doesn't make him a good person.

Slughorn was careless with the really quite dangerous things he knew and took advantage of children who he guessed would go on to become famous in some way. There's a reason that Dumbledore brings Harry along when he's trying to recruit Slughorn to take the post of Potions Master.

Slughorn was essentially a smarter and less harmful Lockhart.

He was written by a hack.

he's a Slytherin

10,000 points from Slytherin

yes well done slytherin, yes well done slytherin

Dumbledore needed to make sure. He wasn't the sort of person who left things to chance. He wanted every piece of information he could, which ultimately included the number of Horcruxes that Voldemort made.

Slughorn didn't tell them that he HAD Horcruxes, the memory told them how MANY there were

that's why the twist in DH is that Harry is the secret 7th accidental Horcrux and has to go kill himself.

Slytherin House. Even though he was a good person, he still had a need for a glint of fame. He also feared the association with dark wizards that often come from Slytherin. And his own mistake.

Nah, he was ambitious but his ambition was more focused in being a patron to other people than in securing positions of power for himself.

Ambition isn't necessarily a bad thing though and he only patronized students who showed serious potential; students who may otherwise have not gotten to where they ended up.

Furthermore I don't think your comparison to Lockhart is a good one as Lockhart wasn't a particularly skilled magic user and wanted to hog glory for himself while Slughorn was quite skilled and didn't care much for fame as long as he had influence with famous people.

So basically what we have is a guy who wants nice things for himself, who doesn't harm anyone (except on one occasion and it wasn't intentional) and who helps save the day in the end. Nah man. Slughorn was a good person, just not a very good one. His heart was in the right place but if he could help someone and gain something out of it at the same time he would.

he was merely a de·us ex ma·chi·na.
nothing more.

actually voldemort was hunting him down. at the beginning of the movie when dumbledore and harry was in the house talking to him he says "the death eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year now! you can only say no to these people so many times" they werent really trying to recruit him though

>Has weird sex parties with his students
He's at least unprofessional and at worst a sex offender


Why did Harry ask Luna to Slughorn's party?

Sharing is caring

He knew they were wild sex raves, wanted to make sure she was there.

How did he 'manipulate' his memories?

Slughorn was great. Rowling fucked up with the houses being so Binary. Pettigrew and Slughorn proved that the traits of their houses could be positive and negative.

Plus Slughorn lived a sweet ass life of comfort. We should all aspire to be Slughorn

Not the user you're talking to but this thread has already established he wasn't a bad person.

That doesn't make him a good person. To me he represents exploitative and sleazy teachers, but he would never actually harm anyone. He wants to manipulate popular/famous children to give himself leverage and influence when they reach their full potential.

I think J. K was making an allegory to grooming (non sexual) in high end boarding schools.

>Rowling fucked up with the houses being so Binary.
I think Slughorn fixed that, actually. He's selfish as fuck, but in the end he helps with the horcruxes and fights like a boss in the battle at Hogwarts. Same with Draco and his mother, they're not inherently evil they're just selfish but they both help Harry in his time of need. Snape is a prick to Harry for most of the time and was a death eater at one point, but he's always acting valiantly (trying to stop Quirrel, spending half his life living two lives playing double agent for Dumbledore, spending his final moments showing Harry how to beat Voldemort). Dumbledore is painted in the last few books as a pretty neutral character as well, though I don't know if they ever revealed which house he was from.

Then take Bellatrix and Voldemort who are about as evil as they come.

But at the end Harry specifically tells his son that he's named after two of the greatest, bravest, and good wizards of all time.

Dumbledore is a Gryffindor, it was mentioned once in the first book.

Which shows that Gryffindor was pretty neutral, too, supported by the later realization that Harry's dad was a prick.

What about Grindlewald? If he came out of Gryffindor that would even it out a bit.

I've only just started on Chamber of Secrets, I shall let you know in a bit.