Would you eat your mom out? Also momcest thread.
Would you eat your mom out? Also momcest thread
Its weird how I feel about incest, I live the thought of it but I dont want to be my mother. If it was another person that was my mother I'd be 110% down.
Same tbh
Like I'd be incredibly down to fuck my own mother and the idea makes me so rock did but I dont think I could go thru w it if it was my own mother. Like its not like I dont find her attractive, its just the idea with her isn't appealing.
Same. I love the taboo and it's really hot, but even if I was into my mom (i'm not) I wouldn't be able to get into it as that's too "real".
One of the greatest experiences I had was an older woman who was really into the mom/son roleplay. It started as her making jokes while fucking around that she would "adopt me" and that led to her getting into me calling her mom. Was surprisingly hot as I'd never even thought of that before.
She turned out to be batshit crazy but that shouldn't be shocking all things considered.
I've read that it's literally genetic in us not wanting to actually fuck our moms. Like, our ancestors bred incest out because of its fuckups on offspring.
It's the taboo that makes us enjoy watching and reading it.
God that sounds perfect. Need to find me an older women thats crazy kinky and be down that.