Be me

>be me
>live in San Francisco
>make 6 figures
>still cant get a white girl
How do I get a white girl Sup Forums?

1. Dont be brown

Wash the curry stink out of your flesh. Also publicly declare who you are and not are best friends with

>>live in San Francisco
Found your problem.

Everyone in sf makes six figures retard.


You must be ugly

You will never. May I greentext you?

> Brazilian, 22
> Good Looking, Summa Cum Laude, now PhD student at UMBC.
> Have many friends and good relationships with hot girls in home country
> Live in the USA for 7 years and not make ANY real friends or fuck any of the classic American bitches. Only fucks girls in Brazil, twice a year.

Sometimes I pay for luxury prostitutes in Brazil too. American escorts are ugly, fat and full of diseases.

Fuck White American girls. I hate them and am over them at this point. I actually find them untrustworthy.

Point out in all your dating site profiles that you do indeed poo in the loo.

You will never truly fuck white girls. They are weird and usually fuck assholes, family members, people of their own color or black people when they feel like bestiality