Social reject/autist here
How do you start a conversation with random people?
Social reject/autist here
How do you start a conversation with random people?
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first of all: try to look like a normal guy.
Second: say hello how are you? or: wow it`s kinda cold today hun?
Call them a nigger
Then explain yourself
Go to a bar and have a drink, go out to social events and do communal shit ffs
Just bullshit them, talk about the weather or whatever. Don't make jokes they won't understand or any ironic humor type of comments. Just shoot the shit. "Nice weather today, eh?" Try not to come off as a psycho.
Mumble incoherantly to yourself with a crazed expression on your face while standing in line somewhere. First person who makes eye contact? New best friend.
Talk as fast as you can and never stay in one subject for more than a minute
hello there
Alcohol or MDMA is your friend
Just say hi. If the person is interested in you you won't have a problem.
But Why would you want to start a conversation with a random person at the first place?
I'd start with "Hi. How are you?" You can substitute "How are you?" For something like "Crazy weather today." Or whatever. I'm married and not autistic. Just. Don't talk to people out of the blue unless you have a reason/talking point. "Cool shoes.", "I like your shirt." Whatever. It just has to be pertinent to the situation.
print ("Hello, world!")
Walk up to them slowly and screech autistically
>try to look like a normal guy
How do I do that? People have been calling me weird all my life.
I tried doing communal shit, ended up trying too hard and everyone looked at me politely, but like I was mad or something
Didn't help, I end up being even weirder
Cause I have no one in my life
Those openers never lead to anything, people respond and usually just turn their attention to their phones or whatever else
You love in the technology age. Want a guaranteed opener? "Cool phone. What is that?" Then feign interest so they're talkative, then shift topics. Casually, obviously.
Live in* I guess you love in the technology age, too, though.
just ask a question or make a comment about your environment.
It's easier to not be brushed off if you're good looking btw
Also, people, especially bitches, LOVE to talk about themselves. "You go to school?" "Live around here?" Get them talking about themselves and they'll never shut up.
it's a lot easier to not look socially retarded and have a friend with you if you start talking to random people.
I hate phones
So how do I do that?
Drink a bit but not too much helps you get a little relaxed
ITT: retardeds giving shitty advice
I always dress like I'm coming from or going to work, in a neon green shirt, black work pants and work boots.
I always act like I'm on something for the most part and say odd things.
I'm super good looking , kinda cut and muscular and king of the manlets tho.
>How do's I do's the talk talks with strangers?
>Free anonymous advice from a non-autist
>I hate phones
This. This is your problem, user.
Don't listen to this guy OP. Listen to me. Think about it.
How am I supposed to talk about something I don't like?
talk about how you don't like it, dumbass
I worked at a B-Dubs, Yoga Pants Parade- Every girl there had a crush on me.
I acted like a lunatic constantly, my nickname was Murdock,
Crazy is sexy. Use it OP. Channel it. Get a job outside so you get some sun, eat healthier and work hard and get muscles and get lean and get hard.
Build up desire for women don't try and get them to desire you.
Just be yourself.
Don't bother. Most people are fuckers or retards
it really is just as easy as "hello", but an advanced social person will tell you that it doesn't get you far since it's not memorable.
I used to be very socially retarded until after my surgery, when I began taking up public speaking as a hobby during my bedridden recovery period. Lot of time to practice.
the best way to forcefully insert yourself into a situation is to convince people it was by accident. completely whimsical, and girls love this especially. if you 100% play off that you belong in a social situation, someone will look at you and also believe you belong there too. confidence is so key, but confidence fuels confidence.
a lot of times its circumstantial, so you can wait for the conversation to shift towards something you know so you have a speaking advantage. but most times they wont, so you gotta be ready to commandeer a conversation towards something you know.
also in the case of flirting: hand gestures and facial flexibility go a long way, eyebrows especially. don't be afraid to be impish, its like confidence without having to show off alpha male traits that most of you probably don't have.
hope this helps
You're suggesting I approach a random stranger typing on a phone saying how that stupid gizmo robbed him of his chemical balance by offering short-term dopamine release at the expense of having a balanced system of reward system that should stimulate him to better himself? Fuck phones.
I'm not gonna lie. IRL this guy gets pussy and it's infuriating.
Pic related- ehhh, girls WILL put out, but not the ones you want. When you do land her it's much more rewarding.
Don't be a fucking sell-out OP.
wtf are you on about faggot? Only retards walk around with their phones out. Just walk up to someone and make a comment about the environment or ask if they can recommend a soup or someshit (when in a food store obvi)
Yes, say that. That's fucking gold.
How do you dress? Describe your normal attire please, I'd love to help you.
NO. No, Ignore everyone and flirt w/ girls silently.
They let you in or they don't.
how to flirt with girls silently?
I bet her wears shorts all year round and t-shirts
Yeah. They flirt w/ body language and offer themselves up to your attention and you kind of play eye games with them.
You don't flirt verbally until you can bully them a little.
not a safe option
try working in restaurants / hotellerie. Anybody telling you having social skills is easy is lying to you. it takes time and work
can you recommend some type of source to learn about this silent flirting? I am completely unaware of it
Jeans and a plain t-shirt
underrated post
The trick is to not ever try and get them to like you. You like them and they let you like them- but it's on your own terms.
Your desire is for them to be beautiful. You delight in them, not in what they do for you or to you.
It's hard to explain... You dominate them to a better self and loving them makes you a better person.
You gotta make it sexy OP. Don't listen to these alpha-beta morons. Be the fucking Omega Man.
But this is straight-Alpha talk
I bet that too, but I want to help. So,if you're reading this OP, just get some Dickies chino pants, some nice denim, not cargo because that's autistic, just original 874 Dickies. Get some Emerica skate shoes, nothing fly, just black shoes with white sole, and buy some working shirts, and some flannels, that's the most average, less autistic look, you're not looking for attention, you're not saying "look how fancy I look", you're just looking good. Get a nice haircut, chop your neck beard too, and exercise. This will increase blood flow and all and your body will feel better. Also drink tons of water.
"do you perhaps have some bubble gum i can have got thank you"
>874 Dickies
Like this?
What if they don't?
the same way you would start a conversation with someone you know
f u
Please don't ever look like that, just wear then normally, you're not a Cali, SF skateboarder wannabe, from now on you're an alpha male, you're confident and your mind is strong, I'm with you OP, you're changing your shit today and you're going to Sears to get some nice Dickies, try the slim straight if you're skinny/average weight. Get some lumberjacks and walk out of that place looking cool.
Look, I used to be extremely awkward and literally used to have one friend. Then I switched schools and had 0 friends. Everybody hated me. The Classroom had 15 desks which hold 2 people each. The class had 29 people. I was the only one to sit alone and it was not by chance.
Things have improved a lot since high school. First off, don't give a shit - this is by far the hardest part of everything, just go in and ask a dumb question if it ends being awkward. Say something self-depreciating but not over the top. Like "Well that was awkward, either way... and change the topic". Embracing awkwardness is one of the best coping mechanisms with it.
Second don't look like you are coming out of a dungeon. We have a saying where I live: "They welcome you by the clothes, but they send you off by your mind" or some shit like that. Be decently dressed, average looking, otherwise you look like a threat.
Three, keep eye contact, (DON'T STARE).
Four, find topics you can connect - music, weather, something happened in your country, whatever. You need a bridge before you get to know them.
Even if you don't agree with them don't say that you completely disagree, try to understand their point and where they are coming from first.
And my last one is, find a productive hobby where you can socialize with. You may not like it that much but at least you will get practice to be around people. Go to college if it isn't expensive, go to classes and try to talk to people. The guy that hated me the most probably is now my roommate just because we talked and found a lot in common.
>be me
>line cook
>girl lip sings lady gaga song 'Cutey Pie, Cutey Pie'
>to me
>i sneer, point up, shake my head
>we make eye contact a bunch of times
>she catches me looking at her butt
>she leads me to dumpster
>fucking dumpster
>i- over exuberantly- throw trash into dumpster
>girls like gusto
>she opens side door to dumpster, throws trash in
>i chase her with trashcan on wheels
>silent flirting
That doesn't sound alpha. But it works. Work outside the system user. Embrace the Autism.
This guy knows what he's talking about
>The trick is to not ever try and get them to like you.
I don't do this, I'm with you
>You like them and they let you like them- but it's on your own terms.
So you let it be known you like them? Compliments and shit, talking to them, etc?
>Your desire is for them to be beautiful. You delight in them, not in what they do for you or to you.
Just enjoy being around them, I think I get it.
>You dominate them to a better self and loving them makes you a better person.
so trying to help her be better? Like show her how to do something, share advice and wisdom?
>You gotta make it sexy
So don't be afraid to be sexual
I get it, be fun and play around
why would you want to do that?
>>You dominate them to a better self and loving them makes you a better person.
>so trying to help her be better? Like show her how to do something, share advice and wisdom?
I would never share advice. I just try and be a better person and help her do so. Hard to explain. To me the girl just kind of is wisdom, they don't possess it. You do your best loving her and she's in love with you.
Dante Alighieri said it best- 'Love lies sleeping in the heart, until the beauty of a wise woman awakens it, by desire, and so too, in the heart of the woman, does the worthiness of a man.'
I would never say that to her tho. Just try and be it.
okay thanks for your help I'll think on it, but I still don't think I'll ever be with a woman again, no biggie
I got the girl on the far right.
>she had her laundry
>said that was a big load for a little girl
>huh? senseless entendre
>offered to do it
>handwash her delicates
>girl one up-manship; girl humor
>'Ok, you can handwash my delicates'
>delicates aren't panties
>har de har har
>about the panties
>Yada yada yada
>I offer to serenade them as I fold them
>my friend, another girl, swipes a pair from her bag
>I sing to them
>'Suddenly' by Billy Ocean
>this is at a sexual harassment seminar
Make it sexy anons. make it sexy.
Whatever your favourite hobby/sport/interest is, find a club/group that is into the same thing. Then you will be able to relate to like-minded others without pretending. Gotta keep it real, homes. People can smell bullshit.
just stop being a bitch, sometimes i wish i was single so i could answer when i get a call from a girl late at night
>People can smell bullshit.
not girls. it's not a lie to them, if you believe it. they have no sense of objective truth.
Do you have a job, user?
>call from a girl late at night.
easy there big fella. sleep on it.
if i stranger came onto me saying that i'd at least think that they're interesting