Just bought one of these, got bored of it after like 5 minutes, doubt I'll ever pick it up again, in fact I think I've already lost it. What the hell are the point of these and why are they big news now?
Just bought one of these, got bored of it after like 5 minutes, doubt I'll ever pick it up again...
Fucking hipster
It took you 5 minutes?
people are stupid period.
Just jerk off loser
They're a physical meme
The joke is that they are super simplistic yet everyone's gotta have their own, because they heard everyone else has one
>He doesn't get the fidget spinner buzz
Too bad, OP. Cleanest high I've ever felt
ask any of your friends in middle school
Stupid fads are stupid. People who bilk the masses for tons of money with stupid fads though are learning that they don't need expensive to produce, complicated things to do it anymore, and have gone back to their roots: pogs.
Take a random shape, have it made with cheap slave labor in China out of cheap material, and make it so the person buying it feels they have some sort of input into its action, then create a ton of hype of the "quality of the action" and portray an image of it being cool & hip.
E-cigs, drones, hoverboards, et cetera.
Remember the one e-cig commercial from just like a year or two ago, where all the hip fags are going on about the "quality of the puff"
Keep that, but remove the complex electronics and manufacturing processes from it.
It could literally be a fucking rock with a Nylon zip-tie around it, and you convince people that sliding the zip-tied around the rock into different positions is fun and interactive, and portray owning one of these things as hip & cool, and that your version has "better quality of tug" than the other brands, and this is where you're at. It's the same, exact, shit.
The bonus though is getting a bunch of liberals to praise how it mentally helps people with supposed conditions adjust and behave in class (versus the teachers actually interacting with those students instead of quieting them up with stupid bullshit).
Also this.
Case closed