Name our band

Name our band

gayest fucks of the universe

The pierced ear gang.

Niggers with Attitude

The Closet Collective.

Hairy Balls Plopped Menacingly on the Table.

The three muskequeers

The faggots

Super gayest gang of three smoking skinny pink cigars with cock breath so had to mask it with beer and about to finger each other's asses because gay

The Dropped Charges

The Brogrammers

linus tech tips

Their latest album "age is just a number"


Best one so far

The Chainsmokers

okey tier
good tier

The Pole Smokers.

The three goobers

The Friendly Faggoteers

The dullest edge

The Gay Dub Factory

Queerlords of the cockrings

The douches and the 5 foot 3

The 4F club

Two and a half men.

Hitler did nothing wrong

ayy lmao edgy faggot

White skin

2 1/2 chads.