Dubs to take an adjacent place, detailed rules in the picture. only the first get after each update counts...

dubs to take an adjacent place, detailed rules in the picture. only the first get after each update counts. (exception being spending your extra 2 for having earned trips. in which case that roll will be 2 instead of 3 cus 0 +2 = 2)

rolling for fuck you to take 90

well damn that was unexpected

fuck you to 88

fuck you to 88.

lolis to 66

Fuck you to 84


fuck you to 88. also what's everyone up to?

fuck! 1 off, re


Fuck you to 88

Roll this

man is Sup Forums dead tonight? also fuck you to 88


last time i made this thread the bees ended up killing fuck you

fuck you to 89

nazis 35

fuck you to 88




god damn where tf is everybody tonight
