Are you ready for 40kino?

Are you ready for 40kino?

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I've never seen a piece of 40k media done well

That was surprisingly amazing for a 3 something man studio.

Looking forward to it

Watched this earlier, pretty impressive. I'm hype.

>I've never seen a piece of 40k media done well
What is Warcraft 3

40K has a similar problem to Judge Dredd (I think they even shared some artists in the early days) in that it's both partially a self parody of the dystopian future genre and one of it's prime examples. And it's really hard to hit that Robocop sweet spot of funny and serious.


It's got higher production budget than shitty Ultramarines though lel.

>that cyberpunk city
not even a 40k fan. Id watch the shit out of this

WH40K was either intended as a serious story but went satire way or as a satiritical story that went way over satire and ended up as a serious story.

It's just which way to adapt is the better? imho satiritical intention that went full serious (that you have to take seriously and not as a satire)

Just play it completely seriously, the satire is built into the over the top ridiculousness of it all.

Yeah that's what I think would be suitable

>this is all fan-made
I'm impressed.

>that weight shown in the space marines


Lord Inquisitor cold steel.

The edge is so strong with this guy, but the film still looks cool though.

Any other recommended media for Warhammer 40k besides games? Something I can read or watch.

I seriously got shivers when the muhrines came marching. It is a mystery how much better fan made eight minutes is than all official 40k animation combined (ok Dawn of War animations are aoty).

That said personally I don't like smirking inquisitors on Terra. The "silly" main character and "serious" (the henchman) side character is too overplayed. Too serious would make a boring main character but that guy just gives too bad Gary Stu vibes.

W-w-what? This looks actually decent and interesting?

It started off as satire but is now played straight.

Ever heard of Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau?

Play the tabletop then we'll talk, newb

I thought Games Workshop put the kibosh on this years ago.

Wish he would start a patreon so he could outsource some of the workload. Also he may as well do the dialogue in his native language, it would make the world seem more exotic and would hide the amateur voice acting.

apparently they've given it their approval as long as it's non-profit

Yeah this guy needs help.

Motion capture being jittery, lipsync, audio.

And less edgy Joker main character.

And I'm also glad he rendered in 4K.

fucking jews. they should pay him for all the new fans this is gonna bring
see example


>make new iphone model all by yourself
"Pay me, Apple!"

calm down

i'd do you for free

Like Escape from New York, it's somewhat satirical, but it plays it straight. We're never going to get a piece of entertainment out of it that's good, or well received, because the fans of the series are bumbling retards who have no sense of self-awareness and bitch and moan whenever they don't get their specifically autistic way.

that was pretty good

Live Evangelion?

I don't know what that is.


You started browsing Sup Forums last night ok mr

I just don't know what "Live Evangelion" is. I know what 'Evangelion' is, I just never watched it.

>that cyberpunk city
>that political intrigue and edgy smug guy

But I thought 40k was purely about super strong, super serious religious people fighting hordes of orcs on deserted planets forever?

I'm kinda interested in this other side not focused purely on exterminating demons, are there some books about it?

Here's another one

The Dan Abnett books are good, they start with Xenos.

You can enjoy them narrated by Mark Strong in a shitty video game also.


>But I thought 40k

You know nothing of 40k

>space marine

why are warhammerfags so elitist, bros?

Because they know they can be

looks wonderful apart from voice acting

the 40k lore is fucking immense

>those pauldrons

Can we get much higher?

What a shame

But the tabletop is just super strong, super serious religious nuts fighting hordes of orcs on deserted planets forever.

Unless there's a political intrigue 40k boardgame I'm not familiar with.

Some of the animations are real janky and that guy should be called Lord Inquisitor Cold Steel he's so fucking edgy.

The Tau are hardly super strong

Also Rogue Trader is your friend

>Rogue Trader
Okay, that does look interesting. Thanks family

it's just a little too complex, i wanted to read up on that stuff on the wiki but every goddamn article was a 100 meters long.

if a movie ever gets released it's gonna have a lot of stuff missing, there's just too much backstory

damn those servitors look great

>time to start our own procession
>let's pay our dear friend a little visit
What about fan films means that the characters can only talk in cliches?

It's not just fanfilms, all films are like that

looks very good for a tiny independent studio, but not good enough for me. it will be like watching ~2 hours of video game cgi, and i'm not even interested in 40k.


> not even interested in 40k.
then it's not for you

Who's this big guy?

It's not the Emperor, is it?

if you have to be interested in the source material to like a movie, then the movie is bad.

high lorde vizor, supreme commander of the 43rd marine fleet

You're retarded


so you only watch movies for the plot i guess. good for you.

I feel sorry for you user

the feeling is mutual

so any piece of media sculpted after a specific book/comic/other source material is instantaneously garbage just because it relies on the source material to hook people in

gotcha user

no? nice reading comprehension.

You are stupid as fuck

What's this kino meme? I haven't been here in a long time.

Not really, this is mostly post-2000 thing.

Servo skulls are pretty cute

I agree with your complains and I'd add Terra's design myself, I envisioned THE most important planet in Segmentum Solar to be literally made out of gold, blistering with grandeur.

However, seeing as this is a fan project done with a small crew, I'm actually impressed with the work thus far and wish them the best, despite the flaws. I just hope he does away with the "character says the most when their lips are not on the screen, in order to cut down on the animation" schtick.

>inquisitor doesn't take his job seriously

So why out of all names possible would they choose Anchorite which is basically a religious hermit who has withdrawn from other to live as ascetic?

>edgy inquisitor

They're already special snowflakes making them edgy as fuck pushes them over the edge.

as far as i can tell they called him an anchorite, it's not his name.

Where is Earth in the 40K verse, is it Terra?

What about Necromuda?

In 40k it's Holy Terra

in 30K it's Terra

this. Jesus christ that was cringeworthy.

As a serious question: Are we supposed to sympathise with Shadow the Edgequisitor? Am I just getting too old for this? Is this smirking twink with shitty posture and an undercut really what people want to see?

That's what I mean. Out of all the possible ecclesiastical names they choose the most unfitting one.

>make a movie about an Inqusitor
>he's a smartass douchebag, not a jaded realist

Poor show

I half expected the Inqusitor to say

>nothing personal heretic

At least it looks pretty. The 12 year olds will eat it up and maybe we'll get something with passable writing and voice acting next time.

here you go

>that smarmy smartass way he pronounces his sentence

Is 40k proto-baneposting? I mean you got big guys (marines), that guy with the pistol is CIA I guess.

He'll probably be corrupted and turn into an even edgier Chaos turncoat.

Yeah, got the admit the guy they got to do the everything looks great. But facial animation was done by a different guy, I think?

And you can kinda tell.

>It's not the Emperor, is it?

god emperor is long gone, he is preserved in his golden throne that acts as a stasis chamber.

Original voice acting/writing is in German. Another dude translated it to english

That would explain the really shitty lip sync.

>Erasmus Brosdau
The dawn of true brokino is upon us.

The Imperial Palace is like that, but the rest of Terra is a bit of a shithole desu. Then again what I know of Terra mainly comes from the Horus Heresy not too informed on 40k's Terra.

>be space marine

>survive hundreds of battles

>finally get gravely injured, smile because i will die for the emperor

>they put me in a dreadnought-mech.

>Even in death, i still serve.

>every few centuries they wake me up to fight at their side.

>500 years later

>one day they wake me up again.

>"Hey Brother Gaius, we need you to walk on a parade."

It like 10x worst than HH


wow this lord inquisitor is just like me, intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor xD

this is how valve got half of their staff. by hiring people who made mods or good fan-work.

But yes. It is Games Workshop. They hate any PR and their own products. They refused to sell the license to Blizzard. (then they made Warcraft & Starcraft instead) and sabotaged countless peoples effort in making fan games or movies.