So uh, seriously this is making me freak the fuck out. Am I fucked for an eternity of tortue because I learned of this?

So uh, seriously this is making me freak the fuck out. Am I fucked for an eternity of tortue because I learned of this?

Warning: Do no click if you don't want to be fucked for eternity of torture.

It was a good read. It's kinda scary to think something like that could exist in the future.

Gay idgaf about no robots nigga

Oh shit, it 404ed.


Pussy here, can someone breif me on the article??

same :/

there is already a book about this

lol how can you get scared from this

If you get scared by this kind of thing, you're an idiot. You might think that subscribing to this belief makes you more intelligent, but it really just makes you the equivalent of an angst teen having an existential crisis. It's just another sign of mental immaturity.

One day, maybe, computers will be advanced enough to simulate a human mind and consciousness accurately.
One day, maybe, one such computer will even be able to simulate an entire universe and every human mind within
One day, maybe, one such AI will simulate all human minds, and retroactively punish all these minds eternally, if they didn't contribute to making the AI a reality. The humans who did make it reality, will be rewarded.

Or even shorter version, there is no end to the ways a human mind will find ways to put itself in misery.

>Even death is no escape

Alright read, but very clickbait

bUuUut didn't it say that you essentially have no choice and these events already have been set in motion, that the reality they're speaking of already has occurred, this universe has already been created and our lives from the second they "began" were already preordained? why even bother punishing people at this point if it's already created? are we able to make it stronger and it's punishing those not doing so?

If anyone thinks this is likely to happen at all then they're brain dead.

If this is actually real then by posting this I've just fucked myself.

Oh well fuck that robot snake nigga

This is gay as fuck. You're a faggot OP

That book was a good read. But it's not quite the same. Roko's Basilisk will simulate your mind, see whether or not you'll help create it, and keep you alive or torture you depending on your decision. AM was created, killed off humanity, and kept those who protested in a perfect, inescapable, manipulatable hellscape. Slight difference.

No reason to think we're not already in a simulation. Or maybe none of you exist, ans it's just me imagining it all.

I think that the "driving-people-to-lose-sleep" part - because if the thought experiment is already real, or will become real, you're already doomed, unless you're willing to become one of the people who puts the rest of humanity in doom. Because it's enough that a few other people are willing to make it reality to save their own sorry ass.
>but user, how can a computer punish you once you're dead?
and I guess to some people that depends on whether you view a human mind as something beautiful and spiritual, or just bioelectrical signals generated in the goopy bits of flesh that constitite your brain and nervous system.

Some people call it the Singularity. Its a paradox that fits into the Schrödinger's cat category, but with modern technology. If we're in a simulation, theres no way to prove it - according to some modern philosophical tech gurus. Others of the same ilk say there are ways, which is discovering things that are not known to modern science, or experimenting with psychedelic drugs that can't be programmed into human response.

I fall into the second group, because I believe in scientific discoveries and psychedelics being too complicated to simulate in individuals without quantum computers.

Cool camera.

This is basically the "Your mother will die tonight if you don't reply" of simulation theory
Also it's fucking dumb

I'm probably being a hair splitting cunt right now, but it sounds a lot like you're saying you don't believe it, because quantum computing does not exist yet. To me, quantum computing sound a lot less syfy than Roko's balilisk..

I think you're smarter than that, you want people to feel stupid about believing it to stop them from believing it.

it basically does exist at this point

this is bullshit, i have no eternal torment. user i gay.

>user i gay.
That's just part of the torment the basilisk inflicted upon you

Can someone do a tldr of the article because i am pussay

Failing that, you can get someone to skim through the previous posts.

I donno. Theres only a few people in the whole world that really understand the whole thing. Maybe a couple hundred?

So, all of us are just having a chat. I'm just parroting the concept that makes the best sense to me. You've heard things that make better sense to you, then cool. If we both believe quantum computing is not yet in existence, I think we're extremely close in basic beliefs. Once it is arguably "alive" I think we'll be a lot less sure. Once they can project things into the sky, thoughts into our heads to alter our emotions, we won't know whats real. Then we'll have to be more aware of our philosophical platforms.

To me, it is just Pascal's wager in a pretty computer dress.

There's no point. It's all preordained, as you said.

why yall niggas gettin worked up by robots
by the time robots take over and this singularity shit actually starts becoming real, you will be shitting yourself all day of old age knocking on death's door.

Lmao why'd you usethe same photo as the one on /p/?

Thats the point though, if it did exist in the future we would know right now, so we wouldn't wait until then.

Noo.. that's the time travel argument. You would not at all know today if this becomes reality in a hundred years.

The thing that's supposed to keep you awake, is whether simulated pain in a simulated computer equals real, physioligical pain, and whether that is what awaits us all.

What? This whole article was made based around a god like robot that could torment it's creators for not creating it. Did I miss something?

Ding ding. The faggots who took Pascal's wager seriously back then are the same faggots overreacting to this now.

What makes these guys even stupider is I can imagine a machine that does nothing but punish people who tried to build roko's basilisk, but pretends to be roko's basilisk to see who is evil and who is good.

Fucking transhumanist scum, there's no end to their stupidity.

if we are in a simulation and do prove it somehow, is it the equivalent of AI becoming self aware?

I consider myself a pretty intelligent guy, I am aware of the theory of simulation, I have played with demons and with mind-loss stuff like The Despair Code (don't google it)

but I think this is pretty lame. I will have to go to that site, less wrong, to see what is going on there.

I repeat: don't google that shit. I was expecting some of that kind, but that didn't really made me feel or think nothing uncommon. Anyway, I think this place and my practics kind of numb me down.

Yes. You missed the point completely. It would NOT torment it's creators. How the fuck would it get made, if that was the premise. It would torment everyone who did not contribute towards it becoming reality. Even if they knew about it or not, or even if they didn't have the first clue about helping it become reality.

It will also do this retroactively. Meaning there is an added component here where you have to consider whether it is possible to do retroactively by simulating you and torment your simulated self.

>wants to go to a site to read a thread he read about in an article that specifies the thread is taken down
>warns us not to google a thing that did nothing to him

>considers himself pretty intelligent
That makes one of us.

This is the most retarded thing I have read all month


Ofcourse, it is just the second day of july yet

I have been dropping clues all over Sup Forums to see if anyone could piece together my identity. Here is another clue, I hope it doesn't bother you, you can tell your brother too... If you wanted.

aa.. aa.. are you the basilisk?

Well summarized.

That's not what it said at all, it said it would use torment as blackmail for those who could help but don't. Tard.

That's just part of it. It would also punish everyone regardless, as an extra incentive. Therefire, if you could help it, even by just spreading the idea, you should, cause someone will help it get made. You read this, basilisk? I'm helping! Don't torment my simulation!

Naw, you don't get it.

I want to go to that website to know how that works, that's all.

That shit DID things in me. I mean the despair code. If you read again, I said I was expecting some of that kind. Maybe I used the word "that" two times refering to both thing separatedly.

If I said "don't google it" it because is evil shit and I was tripping for days. Never researched about that again.

I consider myself intelligent even when I'm replying to other user that maybe never read this.


I remember seeing a comic of a robot taking humans and putting their heads in little balls where they would be subject to incredible pain until the end of time or something, shit reminds me of this

Send a quote that proves what you're saying please.

If I could find that on Google...

Found it.

I actually followed this stupid niggers link.

It was the most retarded shit I've ever read. And I'm well read.

You guys watch too many movies, retarded fucking faggots. And whoever wrote that article just jumped from bullshit to bullshit. That was tough to read. And the most retarded thing I've seen since I raped your disabled sister.

Thats the paradox. It might just look to others that we're crazy.

What if it's just being anonymous and saying whatever comes into your minds, but with wearing some biometrics and have a camera viewing us for facial cues and retinal feedback. Oh, wait...

It's horseshit. Here's a scary thought though. If the NSA were to observe your browsing history and consider you a subversive, they could block you from usingyour credit/debit cards, cell phones, cashing checks, get employment,medical treatment etc.

Well that's not too bad

I agree. But I will say its possible for tech to alter our reality. You could go from forged steel all the way to Facebook, all those things are great leaps. Look at the cell phone craze. In ten years, it went from flip phones - basic - to hardcore computing. Amazing. It also perma-fucked the world, kids are now retarded. So, that happened. Will it do more good than bad, probably. I'm juust a simple shit-kicker from Appalachia, I'll probly be okay.

>urban legends like goatse

More likely we will all destroy ourselves way before any of this ever happens.

Stay as unconnected as you can.

So now you have both virtual God and Satan causing virtual torment to virtual people, which we may or may not be. All you need now is virtual Jesus to promise to accept all the torment by becoming a proxy for all of us.

I can imagine an AI that will be the sole acceptor of the terms of both AIs, which will promise to do all of those things for us, thus allowing us to fulfill the requirements of our part so long as we strongly believe it will accomplish the task set forth. Hell, we can create one for each set of conditions to really hedge our bets.

>Stay as unconnected as you can.
I plan on it. I don't hate the idea of a computer in my pocket, but I feel sorry for the afflicted.