Can I get a rundown on the Jews?

can I get a rundown on the Jews?

pretty jewie

They're possessed by Satan.


We control the banks and the media. We have way more money and power than the rest of you pathetic people so there's no use in fighting us.

No Jew can't.

The Holocaust in Nazi-occupied Lithuania resulted in the near total destruction of Lithuanian Jews (Litvaks),[a] living in Generalbezirk Litauen of Reichskommissariat Ostland within the Nazi-controlled Lithuanian SSR. Out of approximately 208,000-210,000 Jews, an estimated 190,000–195,000 were murdered before the end of World War II (wider estimates are sometimes published), most between June and December 1941. More than 95% of Lithuania's Jewish population was massacred over the three-year German occupation — a more complete destruction than befell any other country affected by the Holocaust.

You're welcome?

Jews possess superior intelligence and superior morality. Jews have contributed proportionately more to human progress, to science, to mathematics, to medicine than any other group. Jews are hated by those jealous of them, especially Slavs and toothless hillbilly imbeciles.

im not saying it was right to do implement a totalitarian and genocidal national strategy. but under the circumstances i understand how come they did it.
couldnt happen today tho, too much free media

190k people in 190 days.

Holy fuck.

gas this person

Basically the Germans blamed them for destroying their economy after WW1. They controlled most of the banks and there wasn't any work so the jews took their homes. There is also the religious reasons people don't like them, they killed their imaginary sky wizards son who was himself...

Nazis suffered total defeat, with some 20 million Germans dead. Germany has all but disappeared, and in its place is a cucked, cowed, and thin shadow, a creation of Soviet brainwashing and the Marshal Plan reconstruction process.

Never in history has a people been more thoroughly devastated and destroyed, their culture wiped out and replaced. In a few short years, demographic suicide and islamization will wipe what's left of the shit stain of germany.

meanwhile, Jews thrive and grow!

good guy wins, bad guy LOSES.

you can't even get a job or a girlfriend, how can you gas a people more intelligent than you?


Holocaust never happened
Hitler didn't actually exist
Jews are basically just a meme religion with less then a hundred thousand actual ethnic Jews in existence

yeah, you're back in the single-wide and no one gives a fuck about you.

Go get stabbed by a Arab Goldstein.

sure thing, pal. better make sure to get that filling removed, or else torah-radar will control your mind and force you to make back life-choices (again).

back to your Sup Forumstard cockroach mound, sadsack shitlips.

don't forget to rinse your mouth with Listerine after daddy blows his load in your mouth (again), Cletus.

back to your Sup Forums cockroach mound, fucktard. no one IRL takes you seriously. you are a literal, walking joke.



Listen here you Wehraboo piece of shit. That's total war for you. There are no winners and losers. The Jews get to reap the reward of sympathy ultimately because they were bystanders who survived the loser's relentless onslaught. Nothing more, nothing less. Have they used that sympathy to advance themselves? Yes. Is it morally right? No. Would you? Yes. Shits easy to say when you're sitting at a computer, dorito grease dripping off your neckbeard, but things are a little different when everyone is trying to kill everyone on your side and vice versa.

>make a bait thread
>fight yourself posing both as the retarded nazi scapegoat and muh intellectual dindu jew

Pretty pathetic tbh

Hitler was right.

Someone's watching South Park

boo hoo! let me get my hankie.

Here's reality for you, you incel, permavirgin, low-life, academic underachiever:

Total war is a zero-sum game and, by definition, has winners and losers.

Shitler was a failure. Germans are failures. Defeat comes naturally to shit-4-brains dumbfucks.

Jews are survivors. Jews dominate in every field of intellectual pursuit. Jews win because Jews work hard and follow a moral code that is foreign to scumbags and cockroaches.

The real question you should ask yourself is this: Why do you worship a failure who led his people to annihilation? That deserves it's own chapter in the DSM-5.

then, why did he lose and lead his nation to total defeat? kinda proves he was wrong, don't it?

Jews literally fuck their own cousins.


It is literally against Torah to do that.

try again, twit.


>Why do people worship a cuck
Because that cuck acted like he knew what he was doing and successfully convinced himself and the sheeple the hook noses were the cause of all problems. In the end, he was a failure, less than a man who could barely make Physical contact with a woman.

And cucks like you admire that because he's like you and you like the idea that and the thought of emulating him

The Rothschild family is inbred. Don't talk shit.

here's a dime. go buy yourself a clue, pal.

the post with a picture of shitler blowing his brains out is authored by the guy who does the opposite of "admire" that walking shitstain.

are you high? wtf?

oh damn. I triggered a tinfoil guy. please go away, fucksnot.

>Responding to someone trying to defend the "total destruction" of Germany. Are you retarded or do you realize this is Sup Forums and it's impossible to tell whose who.

that post above was for you.

Who is this

The jew is everything.

*says anything*



Jews are brilliant and have given more to the progress and development of humanity than any other people.


>Because that cuck acted like he knew what he was doing and successfully convinced himself and the sheeple the wetbacks were the cause of all problems. In the end, he was a failure, less than a man who could barely make Physical contact with a woman.


Honestly, the only jews I'm okay with are Bernie sanders and Ab-soul.

jew gotta be kidding me

sure pal






>no sources
>exaggerated claims
What is b8

this is the official story, youre jailed in germany if you refuse to believe this

so, if no Jews were genocidally murdered by the Cunzis, then Jews are even smarter than people even give them credit for! Shitler and his Cunzis were totally annihilated and Jews walk away unharmed.


>expects a "works cited" page, bibliography, and peer-reviews in a Sup Forums thread for facts easily verifiable after 5 seconds on google

uh huh.

Who cares, Jews have no place in ethnic Baltic lands.
But you still didn't achieve Judenfrei status like Estonia did. Shame on you.

A Sperg Jew.

Someone mark the calendar.

oh joy. it's the "sperg" guy again. ABANDON THREAD ABANDON THREAD.

neckbeard stormfaggot, bye bye.


>never in history



>trusting Groening

This fat fucking was lying. Look up Rudolf Hoss.