Why are all Trump family relations so fucking creepy?
Why are all Trump family relations so fucking creepy?
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Cause it's non sexual affection.
If you question things like offspring cuddling up to a parent, there's probably something wrong with you.
You loose any social skills when youre rich. At first you get paranoid then isolated. Its also because you dont really need others anymore which is highly unnatural
You seem to be projecting. It's a mom and her son. Just swallow your loss and stop shilling.
>Cause it's non sexual affection.
Sure, like when Trump said he and his daughter share the love for sex.
Of course its normal for rednecks and hillbillys to fuck your mother
That ain't cuddling as a normal child might do, you apologist cuck.
>Of course its normal for rednecks and hillbillys to fuck your mother
Like Bill Maher said: Trump proves you can never be too rich to be white trsh.
I'm not rich but I've been around a lot of rich people. They're all fucking weird.
Think about it. They wake up and have no ambitions or goals in life. They don't live the 9-5 struggle and worry about paying bills. Most of them wake up sometime in the afternoon, snort some yayo and then go about their day which usually consists of browsing Facebook and aimlessly driving around. They lack ambition and a reason to keep going.
Some rich people fill that void by doing shit like joining the free masons or some Illuminati type shit. Having that much money and no responsibilities in life fucks with your head. I've seen it in so many people. They all look dead inside and empty. The Trumps grew up in a golden tower and Trump himself inherited a huge wealth from his father that he could keep going no matter how badly he fucked anything up.
Rich people are weird. Go to Malibu and try to communicate with people. They all have that dead stare, they're empty inside and are obsessed with Facebook because they have nothing going on and nothing to do.
Also, if you've ever been to a free masons, you'd understand what I mean by the dead eyes and empty inside.
I watched a guy ride a goat naked for 30 minutes while people with robes surrounded him and stood there silently.
Why do they do that? I have no fucking idea but it's part of initiation. They're bored.