I'm dropping acid on Monday for a firework show and the pleasant weather and want some info. I've done a bit of research but as for user accounts Reddit and drug boards are corny as fuck and too pussy spiritual shit for me to even enjoy reading up. I'm just trying to have fun with my boyz, not some stupid gay spiritual autism shit.
Anyway, it's my first time dropping and I'm planning on dropping anywhere from 100-175ug. The tabs are 350 and I'm splitting one with another dude assuming he doesn't take the entire tab, in which case I buy my own 100ug tab. I ain't a pussy bitch faggot though.
Trying to hear any info, advice, recollections, etc. I trust you niggas not to be gay and talk about spiritual shit, this is just about getting mad dumb with the boyz on acid. Save the spirits for booms. Thanks niggas.
Hudson Flores
Stick to crack suits you better
Angel Long
Thanks for the advice I'll give it a try
Brayden Hill
Never done acid but I have used other drugs, my main advice would be to keep some benzodiazepines close by just in case things go bad, If you can get them then there's no reason to be afraid of a bad trip
Dominic Wright
You are a pussy ass faggot, do 400
Brody Brooks
>I'm just trying to have fun with my boyz, not some stupid gay spiritual autism shit. Leave acid to the big boys lad, sounds like you have some growing up to do
Do molly instead
Michael Butler
Already have, loved it.
Jason Robinson
If reality starts falling apart you will probably be able to sympathise with the gay spiritual shit more, but between 100 and 175 is a decent dose which shouldn't be too crazy for a first timer
Thomas Thompson
Do the whole tab. Itll be worth it to trip balls watching the fireworks
Cameron Barnes
If you're from the UK you could also buy a bottle of codeine linctus, although it should just be the last option in case things fuck up, benzos should be your first choice to have