Morrowind wasn't that good.
Morrowind wasn't that good
the age of consent for everything should be 28.
The combat system needed work, but it's still one of few games that can actually pull me into the world it creates.
I Agree.
praise vivec though lets keep it 100 fam
mook should bring back Snacks.
Conservatives are smarter than democrats.
Being white is a curse
There are 0 genders and 0 ethnicities and no laws or standards should be made regarding them
Luxury goods and services should be taxed 275%
Assisted suicide should be available without question to everyone older than 13
The prohibition of cat, dog, and horse meats in my country is unjustified
tl;dr: higher cognitive capacities tend to make people more liberal.
there are some very smart conservative people out there, but most of them seem to be sociopaths as well.
>i want to eat your pets
morrowind was amazing compared to the other content avalible at the time, your millenial standards shouldn't affect something that was released in 2002
the millennium started in 2000 you dunce...if youre going to use buzzwords at least have some basic knowledge of said word you dumb faggot
>the age of consent for everything should be 28.
Wow that is just ridiculous.
Hail kek.
Lootbox is a shitty businesses model
'' B-but user its great because the game gets monetized!!!! isnt that fantastic?''
No, kill yourself
better then oblivion and waaaaaay better then fucking skyrim
get back to Sup Forums moralfag
It was still the best game in its time. Modded it could become basically anything.
>it was very progressive for its time
This is what my Muslim coworker uses to defend his religion
Calm down ching chang chop suey! But I too do not understand why the meat is prohibited.
Especially cat meat, since I hate those little fuckers
It was trash, your view is coloured by nostalgia
Everything is gay.
>Girls are gay
>Work is gay
>Life is gay
Why get so worked up about something when you're just going to die before you can enjoy it? That's gay.
Sales tell another story
metroid prime, battlefield 1942 and warcraft 3 came out that year...morrowind didnt even make a dent
It is still a great game nowadays.
Morrowind aside, skyrim was still garbage
Metroid prime was surprisingly one of the best games I've ever played. Very balanced.
Just no........ Honestly 18 yr old detected.
>stating an opinion
>posting a picture of a Monkey
Yeah I am totally considering discussing anything with you
voting age should be 21 or more (18 in my country)
The best dude
True, but I missed the weird monsters and elven cities and those fucked up travelling flees in later games
the get the fuck out of my thread you autistic faggot, if you cant handle the niggle get the fuck out of my thriddle
prometheus and alien covenant were ass
>sheeple are smart
But my skooma
Anything that comes out of asia is shit
Last of Us is a tasteless, talentless, boring waste of time about zumbis and some pedo dude and his loli. And they talk and stuff. You know. Drama. You know, like sad.
You must be an utter retard to like it.
Women should be submissive to men. Feminism is a disease that will destroy the world.
I think most people secretely believe this.
Russia is the most powerful country on the planet and Putin is the most powerful person.
In an all-out world war the US would be defeated more easily than Russia.
>larger landmass
>more resources
>more nukes
>more powerful and respected/feared central government
They really aren't, but that's ok because they still happen to be right by accident.
>they still happen to be right by accident.
It's not a fucking accident nigger. They all voted for Obama and learned their lesson.
This, fucking this
Also, 0 dawn horizon is absolute garbage....robot animals? okay kiddo...really interesting and creative
I live in Russia. This shithole has no chance.
Money and sex are the most overrated things in life
Clothes detoriate more from washing them than from wearing them
Australia and Canada are the best countries on earth to live
Tattoos are stupid and dogs belong in a pot to cook.
this thread is for unpopular opinions, not retarded shitblasting
whoah there bubbah joe you vote for whoever this board tels you tu vote for dont pretend you have a mind of your own you mental nigger
by calling my opinion a retarded shitblast you've just proven the fact that it is an unpopular opinion
Star Wars is overrated.
At least this shit has gameplay, rather than a story about those bums. Also want to spit in the face of everything who thinks Beyond Two Souls is somewhat worth existing.
You are surrounded by dumb people, and in particular dumb women. You will probably never talk much with a woman who can run shit. I just wanna say though, if you have a daughter who wants to rise above, please let her. Don't hold her back, or your godawful culture and the shitty women it produces will continue for another generation.
World War 3 will never happen
The world is slowly moving towards a state of peace
guess you'd rather be calling hte duties or countering the strikes pew pew guns boom, right?
Try to make a distinction between opinion and facts sweetheart. russia is the butthole of the western world
Stop pretending like insulting people is an argument you neutral coward.
19 year old here.
Morrowing was the first ES game i ever played. The world was nice, but the game was stupidly clunky
Skyrim with mods is fun though. Enderal is the best mod by far though.
Sup Forums is for faggots and hungover married cucks
Wow you struck yourself out with one post, well done user you triggered me
I’m not into girls with daddy issues
Money and sex is overrated when you have none
No such thing as a drug problem, just a lack of drugs problem.
All problems a drug related(or lack thereof)
it is a butthole but a butthole that wins every war
sex is highly overrated money however is not. having fun is cool but you got to pay the bills
What ? you dont like pressing X and O for hours on end with some ''crafting'' in between
ET is the worst movie ever made
I hate ET
I cannot understand why people like the movie ET
In my dreams I torture ET and Steven Spielberg
No, they are for autistic kids either. I would name you a couple of decent games, but you won't get it anyway, hopelessly trying to defend your shit, you sonyslave.
9/11 wasn't an inside job
Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK for personal reasons
The moon landings weren't faked, or the Russians would have said something
Sup Forums used to be good
I agree with this opinion. ET is boring and overrated as fuck.
>Morrowind wasn't that good.
That just makes you a peasant. Go play Call of Duty.
following yesterday's Sup Forums thread.
Deus Ex Invisible War isn't that bad in itself.
Please develop this into a full greentext sometime
america should embrace fascism regardless of side
that's not an opinion, it's a fact
It was alright for the time, but it hasn't aged well at all. Take off the rose tinted goggles and see that while it was an interesting world, the game was pretty broken and clunky.
the trailer looked so shitty to me as a kid i never to this day have bothered to waste my time with ET. i dont get some of the obscure forced references to this movie either.
Lmao great read, thanks.
Like telling children to share their toys I tell ya. Hoo boy.
Actually i was [playing battlefield 1942 at the time which you would have been playing aswel if you didnt have autism
Long as it's not cold.
DX IW had a 80
5 approval rating my users on meta-critic...thats not an unpopular opinion
>Main stream news
>Not a single source
Cool need proof though.
Also listening to those omgsodeep dialogues.
Thank you very much, Miss Lipschitz!
For real, it’s annoying to play graphically updated versions of identical maps while the maker claims it’s fresh content.
I agree, morrowind is the best, you are right about that
80% approval rating*
my keyboard is getting old
Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift make nice music
I'm a 29yo straight guy
Fur porn
Asian girls
Kill shelters should be meat markets for the hungry
traps aren't gay
yeah, they brought some conversations like they where some kind of revelation while they where 90% of the time just stating the obvisous
>life is hard
>be strong
>life is really hard
Did you read what i said at all?
> ''straight''
Sure kid
I'm old, and I second this.
I dont believe he did user. I dont believe he did
I think Majora's Mask sucks.
>Be me
>be about 10
>Geeky older brother who ended up working for the postal service
>Cute as fuck younger sister who went of the rails and took loads of drugs before appearing in playboy
>Bother had friends round playing D&D, push me aside because I like beer and pussy instead of loser shit
>Go into back yard
>Hear noise from shed
>Weird fucking alien with big fucking eyes in there
>lure into house with M&Ms
>Turns out he's just a kid and his parents fucked off and left him heere
>wants me to help
>shows me weird tricks with his glowing dildo finger
>slice my fucking finger open on a circular saw he's using for his interstellar phone
>clever little fucker heals it
>next day, go to school
>alien stays home and gets shitfaced
>psychic link means I get shitfaced as well
>free all the frogs
>get a kiss from Erika Eleniak
>who also ended up in Playboy
>Alien gets sick
>mom calls the feds
>all shit breaks loose
>alien dies
>then comes back to life
>brother's friends turn out OK and we all get on our BMXs with the alien in the front basket
>little fucker makes us all fly and the cops suddenly give up
>Alien's parents turn up
>everyone's fucking crying
>little sister gets all the attention
>alien fucks off
>want my M&Ms back, bitch
Sales figures agree with you
top zozzle m8
The middle-class is overrated. we can find mexicans to do your job for less. get over it. youre obsolete
Yes I did.
Do you understand the thread or the post?
I’m sorry for the vaccine that gave you autism.. I didn’t realise it would clash with the mind control fluoride program treatment you were already receiving
damn son! I really rustled you nigger jimmies!