Ask what you want to someone that just became a jew

Ask what you want to someone that just became a jew

why do you run the world?


why would you bother?

the conversion process takes forever. it's a massive pain in the ass.

also there's no massive worldwide conspiracy, so you don't get admitted to a secret club or get any benefits like that...

all you did was join an ethno-religious group that the world loves to shit on.

Whats your opinion on socialism?

I don't know what you talking about, my father is a Wall Street broker and my mom works for Bank of America. I just had my Bar Mitzvah.


Because I believe in what the Torah says.

What cons and pros living in Israel?

approx what age are you?
why did you become a jew? relationship reasons?
did you have to snibbety snab ? ; DDDDD

what is a torah?

Not a socialist myself.

I don't live in Israel, but I will have to travel there at least once in my life.

Then we have something in Common.

> The Torah is the sacred book of the jews. Like the bible for christians or Quran for islam

not OP

Hot as fuck. You live in a desert and humans aren't really meant for the desert.

Surrounded by angry arabs. A fuckload of them. They really hate you and having their asses kicked by a bunch of Jews repeatedly hasn't done anything to improve their opinion of you.
Military service. You don't really have a choice, and it's 2-3 years of your life gone unless you get lucky and end up in one of the divisions that teaches you marketable skill like Unit 8200
Haggling. jesus fucking christ its annoying.

The women are almost all uniformly beautiful. The men too if that's your thing.
Food. You'll find any type of food there, and the Jews make better versions of Arab food than Arabs do.
English. Pretty much everyone speaks it.

Have you read Revelation 2:9 or 3:9?


the local beer isn't great. Gold Star is passably drinkable. Maccabee tastes like they brew it with half smoked joints.

The religious people. The Haredi jews are fucking insufferable to be around.

The religious muslims are too. Arabs have the worst sense of pride about fucking everything. The ones that live in Israel know they have it fucking made, living in what is basically a western democracy, but they still hate you on principle and will never shut the fuck about the "occupation". They'll never leave though. They know full well how shit life is in other middle eastern countries. Biggest fucking hypocrites.

The christians can be hit or miss, depending on where they're from. The tourists are so shit happy to be in Jesus' hood. the arab christians hate you, or at least pretend to hate you because if they don't, the muslims will kill them for it.

Does it itch?

it's full of contradictions and bronze-age level logic and ethics.

why fucking bother?

His nose did grow three sizes that day.

No Revelations on Torah, the only scriptures we share with the bible are Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.


did you convert because you are in love with a jewish girl and she will only marry / have sex with you if you convert?

>any type of food

I'll have one pound of kosher bacon, please.

Bronze-age logic can be applied on modern times with some logical edits.

>turkey bacon
>don't be a contrarian autist

or you can go the restaurant by the american embassy, they'll give you actual bacon.

No, I convert because I believe in the Torah and in the Maker.

Kys jew

Best coment so far

I'm not taking anything seriously that was written by a guy tripping on morning glory.

I don't know why are you so racist on the jews...

Because he's 12 and autistic. In other words s typical Sup Forumstard


did you feel your jewness before or after you became a jew?

When I started reading the Torah on my sinagogue, and learning some hebrew, I felt like judaism was for me.

How the fuck does one "become" a jew exactly?
You are either born a jew (from a pureblood jewish woman) or you arent.
Even if you convert you are still a gentile to all the true jews.

You became a jew by getting circumcised and having your Bar Mitzvah. Nothing more required.

>Even if you convert you are still a gentile to all the true jew

nope. not true. if you go through the conversion, you're considered the equivalent of someone born jewish.

for the same reason your adopted kids are considered the same as your natural kids.

there is a literal section in the torah about it. converts are the same as born-into-it


So last night i had a dream that i had a super dick. My dick was prehensile and super hard and long. But near the end of the dream i lost control of my dick. It kept getting too hard and too long and skinny. I remember thinking, it's ya boy, skinny penis. Then i tried to force my dick to return to normal, and my glans turned inside out. Whay do you think this means?

the kin shall not forgive you. you will die on his birthday