I'm looking for more discipline...

I'm looking for more discipline, I would want something like a camp that would last one year long where I would be forced to wake up early, forced to work out, forced to study all day and not have any choice so I can finally stop being a lazy fat piece of shit

Any idea how I can do that ? The army wouldn't take me as I'm obese btw

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They don't take obese fuckers like me

discipline =/= motivation. only part of you wants this. the other half is a lazy slob. its the lazy slob half you have to yell WAKE UP to.

How do I do that though ? Fuck that lazy slob, I want nothing more than get rid of it

I heard germany has some camps like this

Any idea what I should type on google to find them ? I'd learn German if I spent a year there, eventually

something like "arbeit macht frei" it means work makes you free, its the motto of the camps, hard work pays off

Maybe a rehab facility if they'll take you? Either way it's going to cost you a LOT of money to stay for a whole year

Can you take me in your basement and only feed me meal plan I give you and you beat me if I'm not studying when I should

lache laut

now it's starting to sound like it's a fetish thing. Are you hard right now?

Not at all, I know that here everything can be a fetish, but I really just want to stop being a lazy fucker

I kekd

well after googling the only thing i could find was like fat camps for kids, holiday resorts for rich people (but nothing would be forced there), or rehab. Since they are staffed by doctors of course it's not as cheap as you'd hope, but maybe talk to your doctor and see if it's something he can prescribe so it can be covered by insurance. Eating can be an addiction just like any other.

I looked for it, but the longest I could find was 10 weeks unfortunately, 10 weeks isn't enough to lose the 60kgs/130lbs I need to lose to be healthy

also check out "premier fitness camp", it's a fat camp for adults but again, pricy as hell (looks like 3300 a week)

If you are really on a budget, and this will sound like a joke but it's not really, you might have to start looking on craigslist for someone who IS into a domination fetish or whatever and work out a deal to live with them.

Might have to fuck them though.

you can get off to a good start though. Whether you stay there 10 weeks or a year, the important thing will not be the amount of weight you've lost, but whether you've learned the right habits and mindset to keep it off after. I've seen tons of people go on crash diets and lose 100+ pounds in a year only to gain it all (and more) back because they didn't learn anything from it.

This is why if you are really serious you need to go to something that has a nutritionist or doctor that can give you real advice and plans for healthy eating and living.

true change comes from within.

I'm probably desperate enough to suck a dude's dick every time I don't do what I'm supposed, wouldn't get of on it, but I would at least stop being a subhuman filth

I've been trying really hard to change for a loong time now, I have mild successes and then always go back to being a slob

it would require discipline on your part too since it wouldn't be legal for them to keep you confined forcefully, there will always be a safe word that you will probably want to use but will need to resist

It's not the route I would go because I don't like sucking dick, but if it has to be super cheap it's probably the only way

It doesn't have to be super cheap, but if it's 3000 a week, that's a hundred and fifty grand for a year, and I definitely can't afford that much

yeah that's pretty extreme even when you factor in the free food and doctor access and staying at a resort. Maybe there is an equivalent that doesn't do the luxury spa shit but they will probably be harder to find.

Maybe it would be cheaper to hire someone to do this for me at my home and the foods and such would be at my expense ?

Maybe even trade rent and food for kicking my ass, someone desperate might be interested

- Read "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg
- Write down your goals, and a time frame for them (reasonable)
>e.g. I will lose 40 kilograms in 12 months.
- Change your diet.
- Start going on walks. Increase duration if needed later.
- Water. No alcohol, cool drinks, fruit drinks, flavoured water, any drinks with sugar or crap.
- Monitor your progress.

Motivation is a finite resource. Habits are things that you simply do, every day.

Bottom line is, there are things you can do that you aren't. You're intelligent enough to recognize that you're probably going to die alone, fat & ugly because you can't stop eating yourself to death.

Your issues are mental, considering that you haven't stated any medical conditions. Therefore, you're in a position to help yourself.

But you knew all this to begin with.

>camp to force me to ABC

Does society need to hold your fat hand? Get a grip on reality, and start being proactive, before your onset Type-2 diabetes kills you.

See, the odd thing is, I currently do a lot, but I want a push, it's exhausting to do all by myself, maybe a tiny push like someone to talk to would do me a world of good, but I changed my diet entirely, wake up at 6:30 everyday, walk for an hour and do 30 minutes of mild cardio after that every day, count my calories to only eat around 2000 daily while balancing the rest the best I can

But it's not enough, I only lost 15 kgs in 6 months this way, I didn't study in days and I can't find the strength to do more, I'm fucking exhausted man, not physically, I do get a lot better sleep now, but mentally, I'm on my wit's end

If you're feeling exhausted then your diet's fucked. Go to a GP, who will refer you to a dietician, who will perform some tests and set up a long-term health plan.

Might need to hire a personal fitness trainer for a while, but if you are serious about losing your weight in a healthy way, trust a doctor rather than the internet.

Try LSD.

As I said, I'm not physically exhausted, physically I feel better than I ever did, I'm exhausted mentally, I just want to give up, crawl into a ball and die

Oh well, better give up and die of fat then

OP, ignore everybody i n this thread. If they can't do the one thing suggested in this video, they don't have a single clue about discipline.

I just watched it (again) and it motivated me (again). This is my last post. See you fags again in a couple years.

Here's the video. Best 17 minutes you could spend right now:
