It's a Sup Forums fucks up there whole life episode

>it's a Sup Forums fucks up there whole life episode

Other urls found in this thread: Nevada Ln, Findlay, OH 45840, USA/@41.0388228,-83.6815872,3a,15.8y,112.41h,84.2t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1spq9D4Z-0ZCfvPzPFPrBLIg!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x883ea959c061eb69:0x6d149a995d933ffe!8m2!3d41.03876!4d-83.681219!6m1!1e1

>it's an "OP fucks up his whole thread with a spelling error" episode

>sir, im sorry sir

why was richer such a fucking beta

>It's a virgin cares about spelling and grammar on Sup Forums episode

It's a It's a It's a It's a

he literally did nothing wrong

I often wonder how most of the guys in this show are doing, are some still in jail, has any of them managed to get their shit together?

I love seeing the lives of young white men ruined, lol.

Black lives getting ruined must be getting old, eh?

I love seeing black babies born with AIDS starve to death

Just wait until you get your just desserts, black.

>not spelling "grammar" as "grammer" to bait more retards

You fucked up.

HOL UP shouldn't you be raping babies to cure your HIV, Ooga Booga?

>It's sympathy thread for pedos


krager posts best posts

Nice samefag, nigger.

>Richer Daniel Breault showed up at a Riverside County, California bust house in January of 2006. He met Dateline's cameras and Riverside County police. He took a long time to do it, but he pled guilty to four attempted molestation charges in July of 2009. He received 180 days in jail, three years probation, fines, and he must follow a long list of restrictions.


unless youre already rich getting put on the sex offender list is devastating for life. Almost impossible to get a decent job

Do you remember how old the girl was supposed to be with this guy?

Buttblasted altright pedofags detected

You might as well leave the country at that point


How does it feel not knowing the difference between 'there' and 'their'? That's something fucking 2nd graders have mastered, you ignorant shitcunt.

>Attempted Lewd Or Lascivious Acts With Child Under 14 Years Of Age By Force Or Fear

I would have tried to get this one dropped. It makes him look much worse than he is

I just came to get something to eat!


Without fucking hesitation. Especially if you're essentially a kid, yourself.

It's a question!

The best thing to do is not say a word & just leave.

>user called me cute, oh gosh I can't believe this is happening.

Gosh, you're pretty


I'm kind of suprised no pedo has just killed Chris Hanson.
I think the closest its gotten is when the rabbi walked towards him.

That Rabbi was piiiiissed

Yeah a lot of the guys who didn't really talk to Chris or the cops and lawyered up got off scot free, such as pic related

>generic white males need lawyers if they want to ask directions to the beach.

>it's a crime to be built good
Obama's America, everybody

It was always the really fucked up guys that walked.

>mfw the "what?! No way!" defense actually worked

Because they don't crack. Honestly I think if you don't pled guilty or plea bargan you could walk away. You didn't really commit a crime. The prosecution has to prove you did, its easy to say it was just a chatroom, I knew she wasn't under 21. And if they asked you to bring condoms its basically entrapment.
If you paid for a decent lawyer I'd say you have a moderately decent chance.

It's appalling how many stupid fucking Americans will just talk to the cops. Shut your fucking mouth until you have a lawyer. Always. Even if you're innocent, never talk to cops.

Might as well molest some kids at that point.

>be american
>get asked a question by a cop
>don't reply
>get shot

>being such a nigger that you can't even be arsed to use proper english for less than 10 words in a row

Projecting paki detected.

A+ response, user

Yeah, but these pedos didn't know who Chris Hansen was, that he was working with the police and recording shit or if that was even admissable in court, it might be, I don't know.

#Burn Utah to the Ground
#Yes all women

Can you stfu unless you have something intelligant to say

Why do pedophiles make retarded posts like this?

That's surprisingly little jail time but you're right the sex offender list mean you will be financially dependent on someone else for the rest of your life.



I'm pretty sure you can count the number of people who got away with it on one hand. Cookie guy is cute, built good and unbelievably lucky


>dat filename


>You can always suck my dick!

Where are his riots?

It's just a proposition!


Unfortunately he was white.

Any idea where I can download the entire series? I've had trouble finding a decent download

trying too hard

no your an retard


Jesus you're right, it's like a fucking free pass
What are you going to do execute me? I may as well already be in prison, the only difference is out here I have to pay for my meals and the only ass pounding I'm getting is legal form so let's get to diddlin'

>unless youre already rich getting put on the sex offender list is devastating for life. Almost impossible to get a decent job

Luckily he's not just rich, he's Richer.

Richer is comparative, not superlative
If a guy had $1 and I had $2 I'm richer but not rich




>He thinks based DFW would actually go through with it
>Implying he hasn't gone to ground
>Infinite Jest 2 2026 release date for the 30 year anniversary

I wish, but he is dead user.

what a qt

How can you be so sure?

It's me do you believe me*
*now you do

Meatrocket8 might be on Google street view Nevada Ln, Findlay, OH 45840, USA/@41.0388228,-83.6815872,3a,15.8y,112.41h,84.2t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1spq9D4Z-0ZCfvPzPFPrBLIg!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x883ea959c061eb69:0x6d149a995d933ffe!8m2!3d41.03876!4d-83.681219!6m1!1e1

got the address from

Also this guy is getting out of jail this Christmas

>it's a Sup Forums tries to justify their obsession with fucking children epusode

>engineering degree
>Sup Forums


Why can't people just follow basic instructions?