Transgender woman to tour men's bathrooms in stand against anti-LGBT law

> A TRANSGENDER woman is standing up to anti-LGBT laws – by taking selfies in men's bathrooms.

> Shakina Nayfack, a trans actress and writer from New York, will perform the unusual protest to campaign against North Carolina's controversial HB2 law.

> The US state forces transgender people to use the bathroom that matches their gender at birth.

> And so Nayfack will visit several men's bathrooms and take hundreds of selfies to make a stand.

Such courage!

the world is a vampire

Who cares if some mentally ill fuck bums about in bathrooms.

why the fuck is he sitting on a urinal?

Ask her.

He better has the consent of who ever is in the bathroom.

Also I advise all bathroom owners to hang adds to psycologist for men who think they are somthing else.

So they're protesting the following the law. This is estrogen logic at its finest

i hope no one hurts her. men act very strangely when you go into their bathrooms :/

here is what the law should be

If you have a penis: you can only use the men's room
If you don't have a penis: you can use whatever the fuck you want

boom, solved. I just don't think many post-OP trannies pumped up on estrogen are going to sexually assault people in women's bathrooms.

>making a shit post just to create some extremely low tier bait
kill yourself retard

So degenerate men are going to use the men's bathroom.
How is this news?

>pulls out a camera in bathroom
>some neckbeard spergs out
>beats tranny to death
>bathroom cops become a real thing


> And so Nayfack will visit several men's bathrooms and take hundreds of selfies to make a stand.


So it'll visit five and take 500 pictures for blog posts to feed the Patreon keeping it alive?

They'll probably touch their penises and butts while she's in the room. It will be traumatic even in the best case scenario.

This still confuses me all the time. Does "transgender woman" mean it's a man or a woman?

that's not a men's bathroom.

too clean.




>thinks mens bathrooms are anything but pristine bastions of order and sanity
found the woman

men sometimes aren't afraid of approaching you and telling you that you're in the wrong bathroom. it's been very awkward for me :/

>fluoride water

Do people actually believe this? What do you guys drink if you don't drink tap water?



i used to work as a janitor, women's bathrooms are the most disgusting places i've ever seen with shit like miscarriages in toilets and aborted kids sitting in sinks.

the worst i've seen from mens rooms was a turd in the urinal.

is she also gonna be taking a shit in the urinals every time cause if they could publish photos of that too that would be great

>has penis
>uses male restroom

whats wrong with this?

i could get behind men using the men's room

>he fell for the weak ass bait
fucking retarded bjergabe

I'm fine with bathroom cops if they are also attendants. Handing out towels and mints.

society really has become a useless fucking cesspool

>turd in the urinal.


Is a transgender woman a man wearing women's clothes or a women wearing men's clothes?

>Man makes photos in men's bathroom to make a stand against going into the correct bathroom

Don't see the logic there to be honest.

>sitting on the urinal

Enjoy your new infections

>Uh, ma'am or sir or whatever the hell you are, you don't poop in the urinal.

Is that a man trying to be a woman or a woman trying to be a man? Either way, i dont think guys really give a fuck. Its women who are more scared of rape from people who are already mentally ill

nah,they will be checking your junk before you are allowed to enter for safety

its like she wants to be beaten and raped

Ok her dick is definitely touching the bottom of the urnil in that picture.



Shitting in it.

I'm skeptical as to your claims.

Speaking isn't something done in the men's room in the first place and I've seen plenty of women using them with nary a raised eyebrow.

Oh, so its like being at uncle Dave's home again. No thank you.

Its he. A man is he.
He was born as man and to last day he will be a man.

Nothing will change that.

it happened at school for me, and a movie theater. but whatever.

I am amused seeing that as soon as laws prohibiting transsexual degeneracy get changed, transsexuals immediately try to make their degeneracy as public as possible.

Watching the left's backfires is immensely gratifying.

Trump bunted this problem away because he knows it does nothing but make a shitshow for no reason.

If some fag is going into the woman's bathroom, kick him the fuck out. No one will have ANY sympathy.

>Shakina Nayfack

That almost sounds like a nigger name.

Men approach.
Women shriek and throw things while calling rape.

>walk into bathroom
>take a shit
>flower scent lingers in the air
>see heels walking by
>maybe if I wait everyone will leave
>try to leave silently with my hood over my head
>wifes daughter starts crying from all the commotion
>everybody in the mall sees me walking out with my head down in shame
>wifes daughter still crying in bathroom cuz momma yelling
>guy asks me what I did
>shrieking infant still in bathroom
>run away in shame

Will never go back to the Holyoke mall until death parts me from earth.

A hooded robber burst into a Texas bank and forced the tellers to load a sack full of cash. On his way out the door, a brave Texas customer grabbed the hood and pulled it off revealing the robber’s face. The robber shot the customer without a moment’s hesitation.

He then looked around the bank and noticed one of the tellers looking straight at him. The robber instantly shot him also.

Everyone else, by now very scared, looked intently down at the floor in silence. The robber yelled, ‘Well, did anyone else see my face?’

There are a few moments of utter silence in which everyone was plainly afraid to speak.
Then, an one old cowboy tentatively raised his hand and said, ‘I think my wife got a pretty good look at you.’

I don't know

distilled water

like they give you by default at every high class restaurant i've ever been to

it's like 1984, whatever they say they are they are the exact opposite

>I'm a liberal.


>I am incredibly close-minded and wish to silence all other dissenting opinions.

Reminder to all North Carolinians. Vote McCrory and Burr in November.


That is some straya tier bullshit right there. You should leave it to the pros.

>trans actress
So tranny porn star?

There are people on Sup Forums eagerly preparing to drill glory holes in men's rooms across America in preparation for the great transsexual invasion.


Which one is that? Is it a woman that transed her gender into man or a man that transed his gender into woman?

does a transgender woman have a dick or not? this shit makes no fucking sense.

How are you guys this retarded?

Sup Forums has trouble grasping the concept of a feminine penis.

sent to draiaiaiainnn

Someone answer this pls.

already answered this shit

of course it's a dude with a dick


The nose knows!

looked at the pic it's a man dressed as a woman. aka he has a penis.

>take hundreds of selfies to make a stand.
Here's hoping this metal defect gets arrested with voyeurism

What do transgender bathroom laws even prevent? If you're a creep you get punished regardless of your gender or biological sex or whatever. If you support this shit then you're just creating a witch hunt against women that aren't completely feminine.

Now.. laws on locker rooms. That's the tricky one.

Fuckin lol

I've already rolled in Putinka, as I can see.

He will be upset when literally no one gives a shit or pays attetion

Absolutely kertermermed

>Does "transgender woman" mean it's a man or a woman?
think of it like this, replace 'transgender' with 'want to be a'

It's a man with a mental disease and possibly disfigured genitalia, so what's the big deal? He's using the correct bathroom.

No one is born as a man or a woman you dipshit. Toddlers are not "men."

prevents men from going in the ladies restroom using the excuse they're a transgender

Wow a degenerate is standing up to civilized behavior and reality by... drumrole... acting like a delusional degenerate! No way Senpai! This is unheard of!

why are there so many threads about trannies right now

Hahaha, he is so funny and smart! Because as we all know men's bathrooms only have urinals and let's also fucking pretend he doesn't have a penis!

>lets prove we won't do weird shit in the other bathroom by doing weird shit in the bathroom
keep proving its a mental illness

Going in there to do what? Get arrested for doing something creepy as hell? What difference does this make. A guy could literally barge into any women's restroom if he wanted to.

reminds of this

So, a man is using a men's bathrooms. How is this a "stand" against anti-LGBT?
Maybe he should stand to use de men's bathrooms.


Do you still have a penis?

You didnt even take the time to study your own water? Dude.. literally all grand water sources and pipe water is defiled with fluoride (and loads of other shit).
You can just google that stuff, although I doubt they would tell us if we were drinking straight up bleach.

low tier bait..

That ugly, degenerate
is sitting on the urinal the wrong way!

>i used to work as a janitor, women's bathrooms are the most disgusting places i've ever seen

I have heard this from female cleaners too. Women are disgusting.

>A guy could literally barge into any women's restroom if he wanted to.
you're fucking retarded. i can't discuss you if you think this is reality.

can you repeat the question?

Why is it always male to female trans kicking up a fucking fuss?

Willing to be female to male are bros.

I've shat a few loafs in women's bathrooms when the stalls were all occupied at the movies and couldnt hold it.
just walked in to shit. one uppity bitch tried to tell me i couldnt go in there to shit. i told her i had to shit and to try and stop me.
she starts squawking trying to form an angry mob with pitchforks and torches. i finish my shit and waddle out. she's out there in the lobby pointing at me talking to mgmt and security. she struts away like she just won some major battle for women's rights. the staff and security tell me it's alright, when ya gotta go ya gotta go.

Lol what part of that isn't reality? It's hypothetical. I'm saying bathroom laws or not, nothing is stopping a guy from waltzing into the women's restroom intent on causing harm. You know I'm right.

More like, female to male trannies all look male so literally nobody cares what they do. Also, in western society it doesn't matter how masculine "women" want to appear so it's a complete non-issue. People kick up a fuss for male to female trannies because not all of them look female and it's universally shameful for "men" to act like women.

Wow, go figure, in the end it all comes down to how you look. Fuck YOU ugly!!

Ultimately I don't give a flying fuck who shits where, i understand some people do, and it's your right to have an opinion.

But people who argue that letting men in to women's restroom is going to cause women and children to get raped is bullshit, what rapist is going to be like

"Oh I'm gonna go rape that little girl who just went in that restroom...oh fuck i can't I'm not allowed in there! DAMN!" And someone going in to a women restroom is not going to magically make non-rapist in to rapist either that's bullshit

>vegan trap
get out

>nothing is stopping a guy from waltzing into the women's restroom intent on causing harm.
he'd get thrown out the minute he walks in? You're fucking braindead.

this is the stupidest argument (non argument) i've encountered and requires serious mental gymnastics. When a man walks into a women's restroom he gets the cops called immediately. Under LGBT rule he doesn't get the cops called ever, in fact the cops enforce his right to go in there to do whatever he wants.

Probably because no one cares about female to males but meanwhile you right-wing asshats spend all day harassing us.

Notice how all this tranny panic legislation is about calling trans women *men* in women's bathrooms.

It's always the MtF's who catch all the shit.