Meat-eaters, how does it feel to know there's an entire group of individuals who are better individuals than you are...

Meat-eaters, how does it feel to know there's an entire group of individuals who are better individuals than you are? Meet vegans. They are better than you.

They understand their food better. They understand the basic principles of ethics better. They know how the factory farm system works better than you. They understand the pros and cons of eating meat (including fish and chicken) because with tofu you avoid all sorts of health problems. They can probably cook, too, since following a vegan diet vastly limits your options (and this really pisses you off, since cooking was one thing you always wanted to do but could never really find any reason not to stuff your face with fast-food.) Oh, and they probably know meat better than you, too, since most advanced PETA vegans these days are ex-carnivores and ex-vegetarians users who managed to love the environment years ago when it was much less "popular."

At this point, a confident individual would admit to himself that he has a lot to learn about PETA and the environment in general, but since you have too much testosterone to do that you eat a hamburger, go to restaurants and keep repeating to yourself "at least I have friends. At least I can go out to dinner with people without being a dick." You're also probably very pleased about being able to eat whatever you want... because KFC or McDonald's have somehow managed to convince you that their greasy cruelty-encumbered food is healthy and taste is the most important thing to consider.

At this point you probably rationalize "well everyone I know is a carnivore, so I'm just going with the status quo!" as if that legitimizes your participation in cow genocide, or that becoming a vegan forces you to lose all taste for meat entirely.

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excellent bait

top class

I love eating meat, some times I go out and kill my own pigs. Gut the pig then stick on a spit and post from dawn to dusk while slowly glazing it with apple sauce. Hands down the best meal I can make. Pics not mine

also copy pasta

> no prove
> only generalization

just let your b8 trh8 be d8

is this 'pasta vegan?

If I though eating meat and animal products was immoral, I'd agree that vegans are better than me. But I'd also be a retard.

What've liked to have seen "vegans" when we were hunter/gatherers. They would die from hunger.

You are spreading suffering whenever you pay off a butcher, of course you are doing something immoral.
Most great apes seem to be doing just fine on a pure vegan diet.
>inb4 chimpanzees are omnivores
They also eat human children, do you?

I love cows, they're gentle, friendly, and loyal animals. My family had a few cows when I was growing up, I we treated them well. In exchange for their milk, we provided then with a a safe place to live, a stream drink from and cool off in, and all the fresh green grass they could eat. I loved those cows, and I treated them well. After a few years they began to age and stopped giving milk, essentially they stopped paying rent. So after a time, we slit their throats, cut them open, removed their organs with a knife, cut their heads off, skinned them, and finally hung them upside down and drained the blood from their carcasses. After they had drained properly we took them to be butchered. That's when I discovered that I loved cows in all their forms, living, dead, burger, etc.

I've got two more now, Millie, and Jess... They're friendly, and gentle and I do very much love them.

that pic strangely turns me on

Animals are lesser beings. Their suffering doesn't matter at all. What are they going to do? Stage an uprising? No, they are dumb as fuck sacks of meat that exist for nothing but to eat, fuck and be eaten.

Do you think an orca pauses to wonder maybe they shouldn't launch the baby seal 50 feet in the air before eating the fuck out of it? No, because they are an apex predator and they earned the right to do whatever the fuck they want to lesser beings, just like we have.

plus, you realize cows would go completely extinct if we stopped farming and protecting them right? What is worse, a many year lifetime when you are allowed to live almost entirely secure and having children and getting humanely slaughtered after many years of this, or simply not existing?

No one is gonna read that.

Vegans aren't real it's just a meme that got out of hand.

so are you ok with the way cows are treated in the meat industry, where every single moment of their life is suffering?
i think a lot of vegans are ok with the idea of eating an animal that has had a happy healthy life, the protest is about the industry that treats animals like objects

that's what they are though. If they were more than just things to be used they would form a resistance and do something about it. They are nothing but prey and we have no obligation to make sure our prey has a good life before we eat it any more than a snake has to make sure the mouse it is eating lived a good, free life.

I certainly am. Cows are objects to used in anyway that we please. I'll love and take care of my animals until they day I murder them with a .357. Were they someone else's properly, they would be free to treat them as they please. They only have value by virtue of me deciding to give them value, they are mere objects on their own.

what a philosophical question. if you dont exist you cant be sad to not exist.
they arent living "securly and are getting humanely slaughtered" they get literally tortured to death, so not existing would be my pick.



>advanced PETA vegans
my fucking sides, usually I don't even care to say anything to you skinny aspies but this one is good, OP
enjoy having your emotions dictate what you eat, whiney beta bitch

100% guaranteed to work

by this same logic we might as well exterminate all africans and indians and everyone else who lives in suffering and poverty. They would be better off not existing after all right?

1/10 bait

try getting your essential amino acids, it will help with the neurochemical imbalance you are experiencing

life from life. Vegans want to pretend that they are pure but they kill innocent plants... most of which are raised for nothing but there meat. They never get any love and spend most of there life away from the sun.


i think people who cant provide for a child should be on birthcontrol, yes.


how about a 300 dollar check to be neutered at 13?

and they subjugate the billions of intestinal bacteria in their gut to a life of pure servitude just to digest their nast plant fibers

cry some more, veggie boy

There aren't. No they aren't.

No they don't. They might have a slightly better concept of ethics, but ethics are always debated and changing because of that. No they don't. Tofu, like all soy, releases estrogens in the body, and even human estrogen has carcinogenic properties. I cook frequently and well. I'm not sure what loving the environment has to do with knowledge on meat.

PETA kills more animals than most other organizations, and testosterone doesn't have anything to do with the fact that humans are, in fact, omnivorous. That's your opinion. I am, actually, but I don't think KFC or McDonalds are either healthy or especially tasty.

I have never once thought that, and I'm not sure what

> as if that legitimizes your participation in cow genocide, or that becoming a vegan forces you to lose all taste for meat entirely.

is trying to say.

You're trying to hard to bait, buddy

We don't call animals that eat plants vegans. We call them herbivores, dumbshit. They have specially evolved digestive tracts for eating plants. Omnivores, like us, do not. Case in point, our cecum (the appendix) is used in other mammals to digest plant material. Ours is vestigial and useless. I know you are a troll, but fuck you anyway for having me waste my time replying to you.

Not to mention all the germs who just want to make babies. Vegans kill them by the billion daily.

This is a good bait.

>their suffering doesn't matter because I don't understand their screams
Since it's the first time intelligent beings became apex predators on our planet we should strive to end this brutal cycle that has gone on for billions of years.
What if you were in their position? Even if you are okay with being eaten (doubt it), I can guarantee you that you wouldn't want your offspring farmed.

>Meat-eaters, how does it feel to know there's an entire group of individuals who are better individuals than you are?

Stopped there, top kek.

Meat vegans?!

kek, 0/10 bait. who would beleive that theres anything superior to meat eaters. we eat our competition. speaking of which, where abouts do you live?

Well shitstain,
#1 We aint in there place
#2 Survival to be able to take it back is worth watching my kids being turned into a handbag.
#3 Young meat is the best
#4 :P

PETA kills more animals than any other animal organization. Not sure why you'd use them to bait with. It's shit bait. Here's an ultra-liberal source for the information, since you would probably not believe any other source.

I'd probably eat a vegan too if I could get away with it. I love me some herbivore meat.

were did you copy this shit from mr faggot

Yeah but so what if our bodies are built for murder? We are advanced enough to stop it and not suffer in the process.
>worth watching my kids being turned into a handbag
>Young meat is the best
Then maybe you are cracked in the head. But most people aren't.
PETA kills animals that have been tortured by meat eaters to end their suffering. A real vegan cannot be so cruel to innocent life.

How can you tell if somebody is a vegan?

They will fucking tell you...

Can vegans wage war ? I mean weaponized, full scale war on humans with intent to kill.

"I'm killing you because you look like you enjoy killing"

there are way more vegans, but u cant tell.

Most people eat meat, many don't weaken themselves to being vegan.

most people eat meat and animal derived products because they have been fooled by food pyramids and nutritionists

Or you know the fact that it grows braincell connections and is more filling then plant... oh and the taste... and our teeth. Or the fact that our ancestors (The great apes) Eat meat.

herbivores have them too, we can manage
vegan food is absolutely delish, all meat tastes like burnt blood anyway
they also kill and rape each other all the time

op is a faggot

I know this is low quality bait but I'll reply

>Meet vegans. They are better than you.
>They can probably cook, too, since following a vegan diet vastly limits your options
Actually you are not as limited as you think you are and you dont need to be a good cook.
>because with tofu you avoid all sorts of health problems
where do you get your B12? Humans can't produce it.
>a confident individual would admit to himself that he has a lot to learn about PETA and the environment in general
For this point I kind of agree. The way animals are treated is simply cruel and needs to be changed, but it has nothing to do with eating meat in general.

I'm vegan but not as delusional to think that eating meat is wrong. Only our Food Industry is fucked up and needs to be changed.

But I said connections. As in more. Sure you can have a lame mind that forgets little words or you can have the Desil of brains like us meat-eaters.

You have had bad meat. No meat should taste like blood at all. I am so sorry for your loss

And you don't think we still do all that. Ever heard of war?

your opinion

hows her hair not burned. unrealistic

If all the arable land on earth was used to grow crops there would not be enough food to feed every person in the world. Simply put, meat is another source of food to help support the huge population of earth.

It's not hair but woven in steel wool.. took forever to comb it :P

Epic bait OP.

But I'll chime in, Vegan's are low testosterone faggots, or women.

Never met a vegan that I actually respected in any way. (Prior to finding out they were vegan, but that literally happens in the first or second conversation.)

Even an overly gay person doesn't sit in a corner all day saying to everyone "Hey guys, I'm gay.", but that's exactly what a vegan does.

I tried to go veggie several times. Always miserable.

Of course you know who they are, they're the ones that are only vegans for the attention and will do anything to get it. Once at work, I told someone I was vegan (I am) when they offered me a piece of bacon (during break) and some girl looked up and said she was as well. We talked for a bit, and someone else passing by heard us talking and apparently they were vegan too. The cycle continued into the topic of conversation of the whole building, and now I know that like a third of them are vegans out of the fifty or so people there.

tl;dr most vegans aren't douchebags like OP

Not really, they're just arrogant assholes.

bc you're a weak ass lil bitch

You didn't do it right faggot

How can one be so dumb?
Fibre is what "fills you up", meat doesn't have it.
Taste is good because of seasoning made out of plants.
Our teeth are those of frugivores.
Thx for the kek.

>you dont need to be a good cook
You do when you are at constant war with delusional meat eaters that think your food must inherently taste bad because theirs relies of grease.
>where do you get your B12?
>As in more
Why do greedy meat eaters always want more? There is nothing wrong with a few shaved IQ points if it means we aren't causing suffering.
>No meat should taste like blood at all.
But that's exactly what it tastes like to a vegan's golden tongue.
>Ever heard of war?
How about peace? We humans are capable of that and there is no reason we can't extend our warmness to other animals.

Fiber makes me shit. I guess it made you shit this thread out.
No, you ruin the taste by adding to much seasoning. Ever had a nice lean deer steak?

Um... no. Not even close. Apes eat meat.

Some people's bodies need meat moron. Everyone has a different body that reacts differently to different foods.

Growing meat takes a lot more land than feeding humanity, also we have huge oceans filled with algae.

All those comments about B12 kek
Most meat eaters are deficient of it. Whom do you think are non vegan B12 supplements for? B12 is produced by bacteria in dirt etc but since we wash our food all that bacteria is killed before it enters our digestive system.

Great actually
>tfw I want to eat human meat

You can't even speel fibre right dumbass, sure it makes you shit but it also fills you up, look it up.

You mean the so called "animal activists" who kill over 95% of the animals that come uneed their care?

Get an education, ever heard of biology?


Yes but not all land is arable land. To be honest I'd rather have a steak than algae.

Evidence of Humans as Omnivores

Archeological Record

As far back as it can be traced, clearly the archeological record indicates an omnivorous diet for humans that included meat. Our ancestry is among the hunter/gatherers from the beginning. Once domestication of food sources began, it included both animals and plants.

Cell Types

Relative number and distribution of cell types, as well as structural specializations, are more important than overall length of the intestine to determining a typical diet. Dogs are typical carnivores, but their intestinal characteristics have more in common with omnivores. Wolves eat quite a lot of plant material.

Fermenting Vats

Nearly all plant eaters have fermenting vats (enlarged chambers where foods sits and microbes attack it). Ruminants like cattle and deer have forward sacs derived from remodeled esophagus and stomach. Horses, rhinos, and colobine monkeys have posterior, hindgut sacs. Humans have no such specializations.


Although evidence on the structure and function of human hands and jaws, behavior, and evolutionary history also either support an omnivorous diet or fail to support strict vegetarianism, the best evidence comes from our teeth.

The short canines in humans are a functional consequence of the enlarged cranium and associated reduction of the size of the jaws. In primates, canines function as both defense weapons and visual threat devices. Interestingly, the primates with the largest canines (gorillas and gelada baboons) both have basically vegetarian diets. In archeological sites, broken human molars are most often confused with broken premolars and molars of pigs, a classic omnivore. On the other hand, some herbivores have well-developed incisors that are often mistaken for those of human teeth when found in archeological excavations.

Salivary Glands

These indicate we could be omnivores. Saliva and urine data vary, depending on diet, not taxonomic group.

Chickens lay eggs regardless if people eat them, why be a vegan? Vegetarian I understand, whatever, feel sorry for the animals. Vegans refuse to eat things that don't even harm animals. I don't know where vegans are on the autism scale but they're on there.

>>you dont need to be a good cook
>You do when you are at constant war with delusional meat eaters that think your food must inherently taste bad because theirs relies of grease.
are you retarded? Why would I be at war with meat eaters? I dont care what they think about my food.

>>where do you get your B12?
and how do you produce them? Byproduct of the Meat Industry.

so what? theres also evidence that whales used to live on land. did it mean they had to continue living like that forever? its called evolution.

"Once domestication of food sources began"
What does that have to do with the natural diet of humans?

"Fermenting Vats"
Humans surely aren't natural herbivores for we cannot digest grass etc but frugivores.

"the best evidence comes from our teeth."
Did you even look at the image?

Now explain why cholesterol kills us please.

aren't you cute

>Chickens lay eggs regardless if people eat them
Thats true but the eggs you buy in your grocery store are from chicken who only live to lay eggs. It's still a cruel act and the difference between organic eggs and non organic eggs is basically non existent

Have a look at this

> better individuals

except physically and mentally. i guess morally they could be considered better, but only slightly.

Yes but a lot more arable land would be available if we stopped fattening our cows. Also spirulina tastes better than burnt bodies.
>Vegans refuse to eat things that don't even harm animals.
Do you realize in what horrible living conditions egg laying chickens are kept? They get so agitated they even have to clip their beaks to stop them from pecking each other.
>inb4 milk
human milk is way more suitable for consumption and it's actually packed with the things we need and not what's good for a growing calf
>I dont care what they think about my food.
I am just tired of being made fun of because they think all we eat is tofu and kale.
>Byproduct of the Meat Industry.
not my supplements

Lol, these chickens are genetically manipulated to lay dozens of eggs a day. I don't even want to imagine how painful this must be.

Op, meat tastes good. We've been eating it for millions of years and so have many other organisms. If you want to be vegan, be vegan, but don't cram it down other people's throats. That's why people hate vegans.

Most meat eaterws are fat as fuck a could die of a stroke or hearth attack any minute, there are vegan bodybuilders who can easily compete with non vegan ones.
Empirical evidence proves that the average vegan is way more intelligent than the average meat eater.

He has a master's in baiting. A baiting master's. A master baiter

No, but seriously, good essay

Jews are subhumans. We've been killing them for thousands of years. If you want to be semitic, be semitic, but don't cram it down other people's throats. That's why people hate jews.

Same logic applied.

that statement is bullshit tho. B12 is produced in the digestive system or in the stomach of a ruminant and the bacteria which produce it are not on our food.

This picture was hard to masturbate first.

Flawed argument. People kill other people for different reasons than people kill animals. We don't use Jews for sustenance, and killing them serves no practical purpose.

Well that bacteria is in soil and dirth. Look it up.

And yes, B12 is produced in the digestive tract -
Human shit is full of B12, other animals are known to eat there excrement, pretty sure under natural conditions humans would do that too as gross as it sounds (ofc some people do that nowadays regardless, mostly Sup Forumstards).


>no practical purpose
lampshades, soap and obviously all their gold

A WW2 era nazi would probably disagree with you there.