So guys I've been thinking

So guys I've been thinking.
What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
Isn't it going to be dark all day and we will only have a bit of moonlight at night?

it wouldnt solidify because its too hot it just keeps melting

The sun is going to solidify soon like all the other planets, but I heard that jupiter will ignite pretty soon too, so it will balance out.

Space is super cold sooner or later it will cool down I think.

The light that comes from the moon is only what is being reflected from the sun you fucking moron

The sun will explode before any part of it solidifies.


Hey user. Do you even science. Moon only reflects light from sun.

evenetually it will implode on itself and explode, but the human race will be completely gone before it even gets close to that

is this low quality bait also?