ITT: Your favorite artist's worst album

ITT: Your favorite artist's worst album.

Itt: the same wrong opinion posted again.

thats not amnesiac

Amnesiac is their best

KoL is still good


you start

Thats not PH, but it follows as 2nd

>all these TKOL spergs
the melon says that it's their worst album and suddenly there's a thousand outraged autists on this board shilling for one of the most pointless albums in existence

A Moon Shaped Pool is mostly boring filler, and although Burn The Witch, Daydreaming and Present Tense are god-tier I think it's a contender for their worst

teens of denial

>They unironically listen to Reddit: the Band

oh yeah, AMSP is absolute shit

i can stand most of what radiohead has done, but that album is the most dull, soulless, and pointless shit i have ever heard

In through the out door is definitely the worst led zeppelin album
amnesiac > tkol > ir > okc > httt > msp > kida > the bends > pablo

>car seat headrest is their favourite band

ughhhhhh can mu please stop with the cringy shit like this

i understand if youre only saying this because all you heard is ToD by them which is like their sellout album full of all around bland shit



this is the worst ranking i've ever seen

Kys weeaboo


Newfag, lots of people loved TKOL before Fantano even made that video

how is it worse than Milk & Kisses


it's no blander than his other albums, it just has a more polished sound.


Their attempt at doing a full record where they try to blatantly fuse expiramental rock and electronic music just fell flat on its face. The result was a bunch of unexciting, passionless "performances" that sound like they really should have been left to be forgotten on some Thom Yorke solo effort. In the grander scheme of Radiohead's discography this album just seems so insignificant and so surprisingly short. The musical risk the band took on this record didn't really pan out. It's not a sound they ended up perfecting down the road. I mean, the closest they came to perfecting what they were doing on The King of Limbs was actually the LIVE version of this album, which is INFINITELY superior to the studio album itself. In the end, The King of Limbs just kinda seems like a weird detour they embarked on that they didn't really end up committing to (at least, not enough to put together a complete, satisfying album). Considering what they were doing on their next record, it just doesn't seem like an essential part of the band's evolution.

Shut the fuck up

M&K is a return to form after a watered down HOLV. Just listen to Violaine, it blows everything in FCC out of the water.