Here's my opinion. Traps, in fact, are gay. But the attraction to transgender women isn't...

Here's my opinion. Traps, in fact, are gay. But the attraction to transgender women isn't. Traps are men who use their feminine appearance to lure in other men, while transgender women are biological guys who want to become women. Also, futa isn't gay because there's vaginas involved.

Also, this isn't baiting. I just want to have an intelligent discussion/ hear other's opinions.

>biological guys
So it's gay.
>Also, futa isn't gay because there's vaginas involved.
It is gay, because there is also a dick involved.

Well, what if they have bottom surgery?

here's a criteria:

>does it have a dick?
>if yes it's gay

So if a transgender woman gets her dick replaced with a vagina, it's not gay, right?

It's still gay, no mutilation changes that.

But there isn't a dick.

Rplaced with vagina?? There is no replacement. They just cut off his dick and balls and mutilate him. The result is a dickless guy. So like I said before, still gay.

If a guy accidentaly cuts off his dick, he still is a guy, just a dickless one. So how is this different?? Once again, still gay.

It's the fact that it wasn't an accident.

But still. A dickless guy. Still gay. And more so considering only a faggot would willingly let his dick be cut off.

But she's a girl now, so she can't be a "faggot".

No, biologically he is a guy and will remain one, no matter if his dick is gone or not.

But she looks like a girl and has vaguely female genitals. Why doesn't that pass?

First of all - he. Secondly, those aren't female genitals, but mutilated male ones. And thirdly, you are mentioning how he looks. But you yourself stated that traps are gay.

But traps don't want to be women. They just wnat to lure in men.

And?? A guy mutilating his dick because he wants to be a woman is still a guy. And those too want to lure men.

Here are my hot opinions
>being attracted to traps (ranging from crossdressers to shemales) is gay/bi, because you specifically go out looking for dicks
>futa is also gay/bi, because once again you are actively going out of your way to fap to dicks
>transgender people are cool in my book and misgendering them on purpose is an asshole thing to do, but no one should force you to cater to them
>that said, there are only two genders and trannies change their gender
>genderfluid or genderqueer people can fuck right off, along with their stupid pronouns

Not nescesarilly. She could still be attracted to women.

I guess I never thought about futa like that. You are fapping to both a dick and a vagina, so I guess that makes you bi.