Fritz the Cat

Just watched this for the first time, what a great movie. Laughed my fucking arse off.
How was the movie received when it came out? I was born in 88 so I don't know much about it.

How do you think people would react if it was made today?

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it's shit.

Rotoscoping is terrible in everything except snow white.

>it's shit.
who cucked your ass open

What? Are you sure, it didn't look like it. Or is there more than one movie?

Rare flag

It's a decent parody of the opportunistic college kids of that era. The scene where the girls make unintentionally condescending remarks to the crow could still be considered relevant today, especially since tumblrinas do the exact same thing...

With that said, Ralph Bakshi is a liberal kike obsessed with inserting his "radical" propaganda into cartoons. He grew up among blacks, and claims that he was accepted as one of them. I remember him saying something to the effect of "i was just another black kid." I know it's cliche, but I think he might be a genuine "cuck." Don't be fooled by the use of the word "nigger" in his films ("Hey good lookin" and "Coonskin" are good examples) he's not some trail-blazing hater of political correctness. If anything, he's a big fan of using "irony" to make racism look bad. I'd put him in the same vein as George Romero. i.e. he has talent, but his left-wing bullshit annoys the fuck out of me.

>Rotoscoping is terrible
Only when Ralph Batshit does it.

It was great. I watched more of his stuff .

You just watched it? Nigga you're a little late to the game this movie is old as fuck

I was interested in watching that when I was younger, lost interest but now I may watch it at some point. I like that crow scene.

Ralph Bakshi Done the cartoon of lord of the rings & other shit.
Since your checking out retro cartoons watch "Go to hell" Nowlands "Dot & the kangaroo" guy


only choice.

i was thinking of the sequel that had a lot of rotoscoped war scenes, but either way bakshi pretty horrible in my opinion for additional reasons. Everything is cliche and liberal hamfistery.

True. But remember the left of the 80s promoted free speech, very different from left of today who want to censor everything non PC and trigger warnings before fucking everything

this is degenerate garbage made by a sex addicted fuckhead

I guess I only know it from Bakshi garbage and waking life which is equally tasteless in my opinion

heavy metal is pretty cool and it uses it

>the left of the 80s promoted free speech
nice meme

bakshi is the michael moore of animation

>the left of the 80s promoted free speech

Yeah, but their primary focus was promoting speech that gave the finger to conservative values. Sure, the ACLU would support the right of Nazis to march in public, but they were far more concerned with making sure anti-White/anti-Reagan activists had their say.

>Finally Fritz gets ready to bang her, and here we go again; Bakshi adds another tiny-dick joke. Fritz exposes his penis, which is apparently so small we can’t even see it, and the lady crow laughs and informs him “you ain’t black enough”.

The original comic is a pretty good send-up of pretentious college kids and that carries over into the movie but it's the best film out there. I like it, but I can see why a lot of people wouldn't.

Fantastic Planet and Fritz the Cat where my favorite movies when I was a 9-year-old.

*not the best film out there

Here come dat Kenya

Oh shit! Waddup

Not R. Crumb's best work if you ask me. Definitely not Bakshi's best work.