
Are you ready to swallow the biggest redpill of all?

Polygamy (or rather polygyny) better fulfills the laws of nature, and reflects the harsh fact that not all men deserve to reproduce. There are no arguments against polygamy that don't boil down to "muh feels" or "gibs me dat." Monogamy is a feeble Jewish custom that's been forced on white people in order to limit our birthrates.

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You're on Sup Forums. Most of these people can't get one girl, and will be cucked if they let the one date anyone else.


Can you explain why it's just men who don't deserve to reproduce?

This flawed genetics exist in women too.

If the people who you're supposed to reproduce with don't want to reproduce with you, you don't deserve to reproduce.

Leaving the US for...'eastern' regions, S/SE Asia/Arabia for two wives, open to third but not pursuing. Ive proven I can handle it...I already know they can, so...yeah.

Western women, aka white women, are horrible creatures.

Ive been around the world a few times...I'm sure sure.

>There are no arguments against polygamy
Inbreeding. Sure it is more suitable according to nature's laws but it doesn't suit today's society laws.
If we were this primal we would still be tribes of savages.

Betas going MGTOW and stop paying taxes and our beautiful society falls apart, but hey at least we have polygamy.

I completely agree.