Since every every off-white race seems to perceive whites as "evil monsters bent on their races destruction"...

Since every every off-white race seems to perceive whites as "evil monsters bent on their races destruction", despite the fact that whites are at fault for encouraging multiculturalism, why are their currently no "white only" nations actively targeting and purging other races? Or for that matter, why are their no mass killings of other races (except when done by their own race)?

I ask as a curious South African watching his country turn into the next Zimbabwe/Rwanda on the back of the "whites are doing this to us" tagline.

what the fuck are you going on about

Well, there is a very real white genocide situation going on. So I am curious, where is the white version of the taliban for example.

Baring in mind, I am curious about the "does this white devil exist" or is it a myth created to suit the needs of other parties - Like the Gupta family in SA using a PR firm in London to encourage race wars to draw attention away from themselves.

That being said, I am not referring to the American white power idiots who are targeting people within a square km of their shack in the middle of nowhere. More like, is there a "Publicly Proud to be White" organisation out there in the wild.


why are you so dead set on joining in with another lot of fuckwits? I've never seen someone so focused on staying within the herd mentality

Joining? No no, I am curious if someone like it exists.

Sorry, if SOMETHING like it exists in current society, take all the historical whining out of the picture and pinpoint todays example of oppression.

a group of people that are proud to be white? Of course, people will always find a way to be proud of themselves when they've not actually achieved anything

There are enough groups in russia and eastern europe that have training camps for right wing extremists, it's just that white people are smarter and are waiting for Rahowa rather than shooting up places and give the right wing a bad name