Be honest pol

Have you ever done this motion unironically when you're alone, by yourself ? doesn't count if it's as a joke

C'mon don't be shy I know some of you have done it

Anybody who does things like this while alone is an idiot.

I just jerk off a few times and invite my gf over so I can pack her for 3 hours and ruin my sheets.

just remember even when youre with your gf youre still alone faggot.

I've done it in a semi serious way in front of friends. Does that count?

Why does Canadian shitposting too often resort to spamming uninteresting threads with the same image and text? It's fucking sad that this is the backbone of your shitpost militia.


i do it at the soviet factory all the time, if we cant handshake cus of distance

in fact, my workcomrades salute back after i do it, life's not that bad

youre gonna have to define semi-serious

Why would I do the Roman salute...when there's no one to salute?

Semi serious, fully autistic.

When I was really young yeah, that and sprayed Swastikas everywhere, now I look like a normal person, never would know I am NatSoc unless I tell someone.

I have actually never done that, not even as a kid. One of the few things im proud about doing, or in this case; not doing, as a child

>One of the few things im proud about doing, or in this case; not doing

what are you a commie?

>I sprayed Swastikas everywhere

were you a rabbi ?


Close to it; im a socialist... Not a nationalsocialist btw. I feel like specifieing that in this thread


Would you like to buy a vowel?

Yes, please.

The reason i went into this thread and told that is that im sick of all the nazistuff being poster both here and on Sup Forums... Therefore i felt like coming in here and show that not all of us are complete retards like the people who start these threads.
>inb4 you went into the thread you retardfag

maybe i have been doing it wrong but i think she is doing it wrong

it looks like she isremoving a incisble knife from her heart and throwing it like shes in a korean cartoon

when i do it is palm side of hand facing chest when being brought in and touching chest which then the hand turns 90 degrees when the arm is extended so its palm side facing the ground

so instead of being a complete retard nazi, you chose to be a multiverse of commie retardation, good choice tavarisch pizda

my sides

No just a dumb kid running around with a group of other dumb kids.

Was in hs physics class when I did it
>was joking around with friend
"hey what if we call the teacher over like this, you think she'll notice?"
>guy across the room
>"Hey user why are you doing the nazi symbol?"
"Oh the weather called for HAIL"
>get a few laughs from them
>tfw teacher was to busy to even notice what was going on

there's millions of place on the internet. a dozen of them contain ''nazi stuff'' and of course you decide to come on one of those and whine.

just go to leddit or something.


Id rather not. I prefer Sup Forums. But the amount of nazis is growing. Therefore im complaining.
Just as people are complaining about loli/shota/fur/allOtherCancerOnB

Sure. Ever wear NS swag while doing it? You know you have.

I do it a lot actually.

Hey, what a coincidence, I do the same thing with your girlfriend too.

I've goose stepped around a couple of times (in public as well). The shock value lessens after a while :c

I don't, and when I talk about nazism it's always as a joke. I loathe any kind of collectivism and wish only for a white, libertarian utopia.

I salute the flag every morning when I get out of bed.

Often and in public.

Why are nazis from outside Europe so cringeworthy?

>wish only for a white, libertarian utopia.
same here

but i find national socialism to be interesting. ive never experienced collectivism at this level it's such a foreign notion to me or most westerner. It's so different and intriguing. Im very happy that pol has a natsoc population

>a white, libertarian utopia.
How do you prevent shitskin hordes to invade you in a libertarian society?

I do it once a week, my dad is a NatSoc and we do it every time we meet kind of tongue in cheek and so do his friends.

Girlfriend doesn't really say anything about it and my stepmother hates it, but we don't give a shit, never been asked to leave anywhere we did it either.

>I love the feeling of having YUUGE schlongs rammed down my throat

We get it Norway. Geez, you don't have to shout it out loud. It's embarrassing.

Exhange services for goods or other services or vice versa.
A security company could work well in a libertarian society, although anyone who's ever opened up a history book knows that that will lead to a monopoly on defence -> warlord status -> ruler status.

I've just described Somalia haven't I?

No Ive only done it ironically infront of jews

Is that hailing a taxi cab?

>Nazis are growing
Fuck off, pol has always been Natsoc